
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
A rare entry to our dislustrious "DO NOT WATCH" list, this penultimate Hammer film has a cool demon puppet, great Christopher Lee face stuff, a top-notch crucifix, and some stuff I won't type because that's not the type of searches we want to be a result for. It's bad. Do yourself a favor by just listening to us and not watching the movie!

Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
You can't get much more Loathsome than The Thing, itself. You've got action, comedy, explosions, the greatest practical monster effects showcase, and the very most good boy in movie history. Go watch the movie again, it's totally worth it!

Sunday Feb 02, 2025
Sunday Feb 02, 2025
Join us for our grand 100th episode, wherein we cover the folk horror of all folk horrors, The Wicker Man!!

Sunday Jan 19, 2025

Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
A Stephen King novel adapted for the screen, directed by David Cronenberg, and with Christopher Walken playing the main character. Surely this is a recipe for an out-of-this-world amazing horror cinema experience... right? Johnny Walken Black wakes up with low-grade molestation powers and angles his career toward spending alone time with children while folks at the highest levels of society disregard his scams, or maybe he can see the future when people will die... or sometimes the past when someone who was thought dead didn't die? It doesn't matter, what matters is that I'm getting something, someone important to you wants to tell you something. Do these words mean anything to you? "Loathsome Things: A Podcast You Want to donate large sums of money to so you can finally know what late relative really thought of you!"
Josh woke up from a lifelong Windows-user coma and suddenly had the ability to limp along using Linux! Will it impact the audio quality of this episode? Wait and see! And by "wait and see" I mean "make haste and listen now!"

Sunday Dec 22, 2024
Sunday Dec 22, 2024
A Shaw Brothers kung-fu giallo from the unsung king of Hong Kong cult films. Let the bodies coat with worms! It's Loathsome Things: A podcast about the horror movies your mom wouldn't be happy to find you watching!

Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Charmingly outdated-by-1981-standards practical effects, wild borrowings from the best of recent and distant masterpieces of influence, and maybe a pinch of the ol' booger sugar informed this revered Italian director's take on the supernatural something set in 1980 New Orleans for reasons not fathomable, but from a fathomableness of The Beyond! That's right, the year was 2024, the medium was a podcast, and the rss feed was Loathsome Things: A podcast for horror movie fans who don't expect too much from their podcasts!

Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Welcome to the Neo-French Extremity? New French Post-Extremity? Who can say? It's a really rad zombie movie about youthful, drug-fueled sex and paranoia, poor parenting, and a very strange relationship with authority... or is it? Enter one of the top 5 greatest zombie movies of all time. Possibly THE greatest? I don't know. It's Loathsome Things: a high production value storytelling podcast known to cause constipation and diarrhea in child and dogs under 10 years of age.

Sunday Nov 10, 2024
Sunday Nov 10, 2024
Not actually about Brian De Palma's female siblings, this film is instead about Brian De Palma weird, hazy, perhaps deeply subconscious feelings about white women, their role in society, their capabilities as functional humans, and the role that black men play in his feelings. Also, it's a Hitchcockian something-or-other in a decidedly pre-masterpiece phase of Brian's directorial development. Call it De Palchcockian. Anyway, it's actually a pretty enjoyable flick most of the time, and warms our very specific cockles due to its precursoriness to Basket Case, a film especially beloved by Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast you can turn to for sound financial and lifestyle expertise.

Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Is it folk horror? Is it Babadookie? Is it sci-fi? We're not really sure from whence this sub-step monster was spawned, but we know we mostly liked it with a few quabbles. How long can we spend discussing the quabbles you ask? Well, you're in luck, because you're about to find out while listening to this thoughtful and un-biased think piece about the 2024 horror film Daddy's Head nowhere else but here on Loathsome Things: the best podcast to listen to while going to sleep if you're an idiot.

Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
New? Not so much. French? Absolue! Extremity? Not for long. Join us as we explore the surprising twists and turns of this horror masterpiece directed by a real piece of work. That's right, it's Pascal Laugier's 2008 masterpiece: Martyrs. Are we all victims, monsters, or dancers? You be the judge, then witness your own guilt... or something. Bourgeoisie!

Sunday Sep 29, 2024
Sunday Sep 29, 2024
Do we mention Nicolas Cage? Did we find out that the Devil makes a variety of cameos in this movie before we recorded this episode? Are we more giddy with movie-watching glee than we are actually making a podcast? Find out the answers in this Satanic episode of Loathsome Things: the Horror Movie Podcast your mom wouldn't let you listen to, but then you secretly did and who knows what will happen because of it.

Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Sunday Sep 15, 2024
We watched a cool little indie flick about a family stuck in their bathroom during an apocalypse, and somewhere along the way we lost the full entirety of our cool. Was it before we even started recording? You tell us after listening to this high-quality film review featuring bleeding-edge audio editing and extremely professional vocal skills. It's Loathsome Things: The Horror Movie Podcast you mistakenly chose as the only podcast you could bring with you to a desert island!

Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Listen as two people with strong feelings about a movie struggle to discuss said movie. It's Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie for morons and the people willing to forgive them enough to listen to them.

Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
A dude is chained up in a house with some dude's bonkers niece while spooky things happen. The real question is: why? Join us as we proceed to not tackle that question in this lively and frolicking episode of Loathsome Things: A Good Podcast to Listen To At Work!

Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
This film is a strong recommend from us. Enjoy a uniquely splatterific experience!
Rodrigo Aragão is from Espirito Santo, Brazil. His father was a magician and cinema owner. Rodrigo was influenced by The Empire Strikes Back and Evil Dead. He worked as a make-up effects artist in the 90s until he started with his own horror play, Mausoleum, and then started directing short films, then premiered his first feature film, Mud Zombies, in 2008. He just became one of our favorite gory movie directors, thanks to this gem.

Sunday Jul 21, 2024
Sunday Jul 21, 2024
Welcome to the Loathsome Vault, where you get to hear an old, previously unreleased episode of Loathsome Things from the days of yore: 2001! This time, we reviewed the official film of "What H.P. Lovecraft, but with dirty sexy hippies?" We'll be back to our regularly scheduled podcasting next hence!

Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Likely the greatest horror movie in Houston, Texas, horror movie production history. This little gem manages to be campy and horrifically transgressive in a way that won't make anyone feel good! It's The Lamp, AKA The Outing, on this fortnight's episode of Loathsome Things: A good podcast to listen to when you're depressed and the Lexapro isn't working!

Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
It's 1978 France and the wine has taken on a toxic zombessential quality. Great legs, though!

Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Join us for a fun little slice of pre-slasher arthouse something, Jessica! We're not gaslighting you, you're gaslighting us!

Sunday May 26, 2024
Sunday May 26, 2024
Our first non-Basket Case flick by Frank Henenlotter, and our last(?) movie to use the Loathsome Things scoring system you've come to be entirely unaware of!

Sunday May 12, 2024
Sunday May 12, 2024
This Attack of the Mushroom people by the guy who made Godzilla sure doesn't have a lot of Mushroom People action in it. Is it still good? Read John's review of Amando de Ossorio’s The Ghost Galleon to find out!

Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
It's time for everyone's favorite manic pixie dream frankenstein to ditch the snooze and get all rizz'd up, 2002 style! That's right, we're reviewing May, a complicated, weird, silly, serious, strange conflagration of emotions and inputs, straight from yore and into your brain. It's Loathsome Things: the best podcast to find horror movies you might've otherwise never seen!

Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
John and Josh review an anthology film for the very first time. Will they mess up, do a good job, or just incoherently repeat themselves? Find out on today's episode of Loathsome Things: A Podcast About Horror Movies You Don't Care About!

Sunday Mar 31, 2024

Sunday Mar 17, 2024

Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
We’re doing it, folks. It’s a 3-episode month and we’ve almost certainly made a mistake by going with The Virgin Spring, Last House on the Left, and Last House on the Left. O cruel world with such people in it! Here, we review the classic Swedish masterpiece about a Swedish lord, his Swedish daughter, their Swedish family, some Swedish pagans, and a trio of Swedish brothers. What kind of light-hearted hijinks will they get up to? Find out on this giggly episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast that is, yes, very afraid to go into the dark room!

Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Get your dollar-store, off-brand tissues ready, because this one’s a tear-jerker! Rial and Bol are refugees of the Sudanese Civil War, trying to create a new life for themselves in the land of opportunity: slummy ol’ England! To start over, they’ll have to endure fairly mild (by American standards) interpersonal racism, run-down living conditions, intense psychological trauma, ghosts, and an evil entity. Get ready for a wild one, folks, for this gut-wrenching episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast for those who are paying attention to the actual horrors happening around us.
For more information about the current genocide in Sudan, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darfur_genocide

Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Add this one to your watchlist of remakes that may be better than the sequel, and definitely among to top of any list of high-quality reboots. Clive Barker’s non-Hellraiser franchise is brought back around to no longer focus on the plight of white women in this stunning, complex, and challenging reframing of the classic.
And here are some links to the figures discussed in the closing credits.The Lynching of Anthony Crawford: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Anthony_CrawfordThe Wrongful Conviction and Execution of George Stinney: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_StinneyThe Murder of James Byrd Jr.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Byrd_Jr.

Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Be the food you want to eat! The Memento guy, the Trainspotting guy, the principle from Ferris Bueller, and a celebrity’s husband star in this off-kilter delight that dares to ask the question: what if Dances with Wolves was a wendigo movie lightly sprinkled with a Mel Brooksian soundtrack? Turns out, you might get something like this. Show up for what was obviously Robert Carlyle’s inspiration for Rumpelstiltskin, stay for the weird sense of human and overall high level of enjoyability of this episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast that you haven’t listened to yet!

Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Something about death’s design, a list, this time it happens backwards… who knows. Welcome to 2024, Loathsome Things style! It’s all epic action-disaster stunt sequences between bouts of really depressingly bad line delivery. Start the year off with the best horror movie podcast for people that are tired of all the other horror movie podcasts as we watch a movie that one podcaster described as “I Know What You Did Last Destination!”

Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Somewhere in the Finnish reindeer wilderness, there is a mountain that is secretly the gigantic sacred grave of MFing Santa Claus. In this episode of Loathsome Things, you’ll hear us review the actions taken by a squad of rugged snow-daddies who, perhaps, receive a bit too much focus on whether or not they have sufficiently spanked their sons. What’s more, we’ll reveal to answers to all things and we detail their adventures,including:
The Mystery of the Too-Soon-Dead ReindeerHow Old Should My Son Be Before I Give Him a Gun?How to Shop for the Santa Antiquarian Who Already Has EverythingThe Case of the Naked CodgerHow to Eat Cookies for Dinner Whatever Shall We Do with All This Dynamite?
Check out John’s first published micro-fiction in the Year Five edition of Dark Moments and Patreons, available here: and wherever ebooks are sold!

Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Content Warning: suicide and self harm
You are a mountain and this is the first part of Perry Blackshear’s Monster Trilogy sees childhood chums Wyatt and Christian reunited as alcoholic adults who’ve suffered failed relationships and mental and emotional disturbances. Christian’s self-help iPod has seen him get a great job at Behemoth, where he’s romantically pursuing his badass boss, Mara. Meanwhile, Wyatt is suffering from severe Capgras delusions and is doomsday prepping in a decidedly hardware store fashion. Will he use his ultra-powerful nail gun to save the world? Will Christian do horizontal judo with Mara? Hug-hug to find if we knew we got our axe for something on this episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast, haroo, haroo!
Check out John’s first published micro-fiction in the Year Five edition of Dark Moments and Patreons, available here: https://www.blackharepress.com/year-five/ and wherever ebooks are sold!
Bonus trivia question: What movie was John talking about when he said “The Boogey Man?” Only real Loathsome Fans will know the answer!

Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
From the director who brought us some actually good episodes of Star Trek later in his career, this movie… it’s terrible. Bad jokes, unexciting nudity from Rebecca Balding, and one of the worst movie monsters you’ll ever see. You know that uncle or cousin of yours, the one that puts off an icky vibe? This is probably one of their favorite movies. So, skip the flick and just enjoy our re-telling of the story that is the movie The Boogens. This isn’t usually the case, but sometimes the podcast is better than the movie on Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
You can reach out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Tobe Hooper's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)(2) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981)(3) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(4) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(5) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(6) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(7) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(8) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(9) Ti West’s X (2022)(10) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Content Warning: violence against children and by children is depicted in this film, as is violence against and by animals. This includes a scene in which an animal commits violence against a child.
God is dead, welcome to beautiful Argentina! This time we reviewed a demonic possession apocalypse movie that absolutely slams. Put away your flashlights, your gunpowder, and your fear of death, because they won’t help you here! That’s right, it’s a zombie movie where instead of zombie you get demonic possession and the attempts of devils to be born into the world via Se7en-style bloat-bodies. There are rules to follow and fools to not follow them. Join us to figure out how that crazy Possessed-defeating doo-dad works in this most bonita episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
You can reach out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Tobe Hooper's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)(2) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981)(3) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(4) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(5) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(6) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(7) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(8) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(9) Ti West’s X (2022)(10) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Content Warning: self harm
Australian youths supplement their substance abuse with a fun demonic possession game. It the story secretly about substance abuse? Mental illness? Grief? Loss? White people? You tell us after listening to this podcast about horror movies. A podcast where we summarize the plot of a horror movie at you so you can decide whether or not you want to watch the movie after you find out everything about it. Wait, is that what this podcast is for? Wait a minute, is this movie secretly about the degradation of the family unit and the impossibility of parenting children in a world where the very formats and mediums of mischief are impossible to predict? Nah! It’s just Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
You can reach out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Tobe Hooper's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)(2) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981)(3) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(4) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(5) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(6) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(7) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(8) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(9) Ti West’s X (2022)(10) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
An Etsy girl makes a go of living her best life in her childhood home in a town full of people who hate for something that she did in her childhood. Also, there’s aliens and almost zero dialogue. Will it be good? Pack yourself up a pic-a-nic basket and head on out to a loved-one’s grave and plot your sorry ass in that ancestral grass to listen to this fortnight’s episode of Loathsome Things: a podcast about scary movies where we tell you which movies are scary, which movies are not scary, and break them down so you don’t have to watch them, but then we tell you to watch them… because that’s what our audience wants?Also, this episode features a bonus review of the Star Wars television thing: Ahsoka. If you listen closely, you can even hear the very moment that Josh finally realizes which character is played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead!
You can reach out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Tobe Hooper's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)(2) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981)(3) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(4) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(5) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(6) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(7) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(8) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(9) Ti West’s X (2022)(10) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Content Warning: A smidge of animal cruelty is depicted in this movie, which we describe and may/may not do vocal sound effects for…John and Josh strapped microphones to the inside of their mouths for an entire day to bring you their first full-fledged found footage film review! This little gem blends found footage with possession/exorcism, folk horror, and [spoiler]. What a cool combination!A priest guy and a professional gadget-haver spend a lot of run time getting acquainted with one another and slowly building what will turn out to be a life-long friendship, though not without its ups and downs, all while a variety of priests come and go from their lives. Along the way, their learn valuable lessons about imperialism, how the church abuses its power over the population, and never leaving your buddy behind.Also, we kind of do a semi-review of the new movie Elevator Game at the end. So, you know, there’s that for ya.And, as a special bonus to our show-note readers, here’s the British TV Shows we invented in this episode, plus the band and album!British TV Shows that should exist:One House TreeBunch of Love Heaven BasketThird Lane MysteryThe Deacon's RevengeKing Henry's ClungeThe Dicar of VibleyAnd the Band - Album that should exist:Tale for the Blather – Their Sophomore Effort
You can reach out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Tobe Hooper's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)(2) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981)(3) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(4) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(5) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(6) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(7) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(8) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(9) Ti West’s X (2022)(10) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. What else is there to say?Content Warning: this film contains nearly as much deeply disturbing gruesome topic matter as it does wildly offensive ableism. And since it’s in the movie, it is also in the words we speak. Join us as we revel in the just amazingness that is, as one man was mis-quoted as putting it, “the most upsetting movie I didn’t hate.” It is a masterpiece and it is deeply troubling. If you worry you might not be up for the film, give us a listen as we chop up this movie into its constituent cuts and plop it down fresh and hot onto your ear-plates. That’s the kind of service and quality you can expect when you listen to Loathomse Things: A Horror Movie Podcast by two dudes who don’t live in Texas and in no way identify with the characters in this movie or recognize any of the settings, tropes, or styles. Now THAT’s Tasty!
You can reach out to us thus, but you won’t!Twitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Tobe Hooper's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)(2) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981)(3) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(4) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(5) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(6) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(7) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(8) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(9) Ti West’s X (2022)(10) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Do you ever think about the town you live in? Did your ancestors live there? What did they do when they lived there? Were they bad to other people, maybe women or indigenous populations? Do you ever wonder if you are them? Has a doctor ever made you feel like you’re a buckle-hatted pilgrim wielding a knife of revelation while inducing seizures in your chaw-addled brain?Well, then you may be a Pendleton, of the Devonsville Pendletons!You see, 300 years ago the entire town of Devonsville did a witch hunt. Later, they were all named Pendleton and had much less facial hair than their ancestors. There may have also been some Warleys, who may have written everything down in some Gideon’s Bible-sized journals for no good reason. Also, something about belts made out of finger bones. I don’t know.
This week we reviewed a movie that was asking the question “could a witch hunt happen today?” But that was 40 years ago, and here we are today among a mass of idiots banning books, actively organizing to overthrow the government, and persecuting anyone who isn’t a cis-gendered lily-white Christian. So join us in the flames as we place a curse upon the whole melty-faced lot in this most fundamentalist episode of Loathsome Things: a podcast for people who want to grow closer to god day by glorious day. Amen.
You can reach out to us thus, but you won’t!Twitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Did you know that when you forget your dreams, they get mad at you? It doesn’t matter if those are dreams of attractive young women in thin gauze, skinless bears coming for you in the closet, fake little brothers with bulgy eyes, or janitors with prosthetic limbs that fall right off. You see, when you go beyond dream’s door, the hatred doesn’t discriminate. Maybe it’s a fleshy tooth-book chomping your foot, maybe it’s a balloon that just wants to follow you and make an annoying sound before exploding, maybe it’s not-Pennywise cackling from the sewers or a horde of non-aggressive zombies. It just doesn’t matter. The dreams you’ve forgotten all hate you equally and if you tell a typewriter about those dreams, they will come for you and they will come for your gun-happy professor and his TAs. So, take a melatonin, brew yourself a pot of sleepytime tea, crank one out, and then lay your weary bones down before listening to this highly academic episode of Loathsome Things: a relaxing ASMR podcast about horror movies that will unlock your innermost potential at 666 hertz.
You can reach out to us thus, but you won’t!Twitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
We reviewed a classic and scared John as a child and confused Josh as an adult. Imagine The Goonies, but with big naked California tits, fountains of blood, and the childhood drama of having everyone you love die. There, that’s Phantasm. Is it as simple as that? No! It’s much more confusing! Phantasm features multiple allusions to Dune, some strange overlap with Star Wars, and manages to be a strikingly singular piece of storytelling. Do we have any idea what the story it’s telling is? Can we explain it in the slightest? Did Josh tell a story about going to a place while unaware that he was getting sick and did the onset of those symptoms cause him to really screw up the end of this recording? There’s only one way to find out, by listening to the entirety of this ultra-high quality and exquisitely professional episode of Loathsome Things: the best podcast for fans of Phantasm and the only podcast you should listen to if you’re trying to figure out how to do a good job at making a podcast and writing podcast notes for your podcast podcast. Podcast!
You can reach out to us on these players, but you won’t!Twitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
In 1990, first-time director Francis Teri pulled together a tiny budget, a team of mostly non-actors, and some really cool practical effects to make an amazingly tasteless, uncomfortably semi-humorous, and entirely baffling horror movie about a young woman receiving an abortion against her will and her aborted fetus becoming one of the most mind-bogglingly powerful horror movie monsters of all time. That’s right, it’s an abortion monster, and boy does it have a really weird plan! Tune in for an exploration of the thing you didn’t think could go wrong when you outlaw abortion in this episode of Loathsome Things: a horror movie podcast that cares about the mother’s life and the baby’s life, but absolutely hates men.
And if you find yourself in need of more horror movie podcast goodness, check out the Bring Me the Axe Horror Podcast! They’re cool guys and cover the same types of movies we do! https://open.spotify.com/show/143VD2m2wUwWe90MA7j9NZ
If you would like to recommend a movie, smuggle abortioneers across state lines, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – American teens take an evil train ride across bad-times Yugoslavia!The Pit (1981) – A coming-of-age story about seeing boobs, evil teddy bears and feeding beasts!The Suckling (1990) – An abortion monster kills a house full of sex workers on his way home!

Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
The Jo Brothers cover The Mo Brothers with this delightful jaunt down the road to a slasher commonly referred to as The Indonesia Chainsaw Massacre for entirely appropriate reasons. What starts off as torture porn then devolves into madcap mindless violence before finally metamorphosing into some really tremendous fight scenes that make the film’s early goings-on worth it. This movie is an underappreciated gem that suffers for being from a country that western audiences have largely ignored. Listen to us break it down and really get after it in this all-new episode of Loathsome Things: A Highly-rated Podcast for People Like Me!
Also, we end up talking about our feelings about Rob Zombie… again… because we’re two cool dudes.If you would like to recommend a movie, share your top-10 list of Indonesian films, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
From the New French Extremity to some old Italian Sleaze, good, clever Loathsome Things is here to make everything nice for you, our sweet, sweet babies! From the guy that mostly did hardcore porn with a splattering or horror-porn crossover films, comes a film that advanced the boundaries of gore and showed us that the most potent strains of marijuana in history looks surprisingly exactly the same as 1970s euro-lady pubes. That’s right, it’s schlocky, it’s exploitative, it’s unfortunate, and it’s all set to Goblin’s most perplexing soundtrack, it’s the 1979 horror cinema experience from the cum-soaked mind of Joe D’Amato lovingly and alternately known as Beyond the Darkness, Buio Omega, Buried Alive, In Quella Casa Buio Omega, House 6: El Terror Continua, and Zombi 10. Tune in to learn all this information and so much more in this most absurd episode of Loathsome Things: the official horror movie podcast of 1970s bush-centric European stag films!If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us what kind of wine comes in that kind of bottle, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!
Body of a *****. Body three times. Pain and torture. First body in a bed. Body growing dead body in a crypt body. Hell fire dipped. Body ringing bell body into hell. Always be a taker. Meet your maker. No one's life you save robs some in your grave. It's loathsome things, a horror movie podcast with be the Josh and he the John. John. How are you on this most horrific of?
I'm hell be.
Dipped dipped hell fire dipped.
Hell be doing whatever the **** it was. Somebody actually wrote a rhyme to go along with whatever they said in Italian.
I know, I know. Like someone's job was to come up with a little, like set of rhyming couplets to to go with whatever was actually. Supposed to be there.
Man, I would love to see this movie in Italian with English subtitles.
Ohh man yeah that would be good. You could also do what I did. I watched the movie that this is a remake of in Italian without subtitles.
Ohh, that's even better. Yeah, the third eye, right?
The third eye? Yeah, it's it's real confusing when you have no idea what. People are saying.
So, John, what are we?
Even talking about.
Oh my God, I'm so glad you asked. Because this time around. We shall be talking about. We're going to talk about a little Italian schlock exploitation film that was directed by a fine fellow named occasionally named Joe Di Amato.
Some types named Joe Demon.
1970 nines. Delightful and absolutely delicious. I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm a moron beyond the darkness.
Also known by other names. A lot of other names, some of them. Some of them just just out of nowhere. That thing, but yeah, it was the whole thing. Apparently the director, Joe D'amato, was friend with Mino Guerini, who directed the third eye. And one day they were hanging out. Just spit balling ideas and he was like, hey, what if I remade your movie but made it sleazier?
It's an interesting film. It's gonna be fun to talk about. I liked the I was excited to hear that Goblin did the soundtrack, or as they mistakenly referred to. Them the goblins. But except for a few bits, overall, the soundtrack is terrible.
Yeah, it's if you have ever had your manager pop in a VHS tape so you could watch a training video on your first day on the job, then you know what this movie sounds.
Like please contact the HR department if you have any issues with other employees.
There are times where the soundtrack's really cool, like they'll purposefully hit these flat notes to like, reflect what's going on, like like it's entertaining at times and other times just very irritating.
When I make my movie, I'm going to have the entire soundtrack be done live with a guy with a French horn who just makes fart noises.
Yeah, I I want. I want my life soundtrack to be done by someone with a severe anxiety disorder that wasn't given their medicine today and they have to like. They're always trying to catch up with what's going on, like, Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening to me. The soundtrack I want.
They have to play it on a hooter.
Of course, Goblin to they did the soundtrack for the original dawn of the dead phenomena, Suspiria and Tenebre. So lot of lot of good Italian movie horror movies with that, and by a lot I mean mostly just those that I listed. They also had a song in Shaun of the Dead.
Yeah, that's true. And just in case you really enjoyed this music, in which case, by the way, you're an idiot. It was also used in the films the other Hell and Hell of The Living Dead, because in Europe all horror films are of the Living dead.
And one thing that was cool. So the actor in here, Frank Astolfi, who plays clever, sweet, good Iris actually was reunited with this soundtrack whenever she starred in the other hell.
Wonderful. The amazing franca stoppi. Veteran of the Women's Prison series of films and also a little a little number known in English as dog lay afternoon or in its native Italian bestiality or something like that.
Speaker 5
Good it is what you think it is if.
If, if you're if you're.
Catching on to to a like a a niche like a specific what? What what's happening here? So I want to go into a little bit about Joe D'amato. Joe D'amato is the king of 1970s and 80s Italian sleaze cinema. He has 199 directing credits to his name and about 100 and 21120 of those are just straightforward *********** videos.
Gotta love it.
This is one of his most famous horror movies, along with Anthropophagus and the semi sequel to that absurd, this came out. This film came out during his horror **** over crossover era, which included Papaya love, goddess of the cannibals, orgasmo. Arrow, Emmanuel and the white slave trade ****** Knights of the Living Dead and poor no Holocaust.
**** in a that is fantastic. By the by the way, and Trump of Vegas and that absurd are those movies are.
Yes, they they rock. This guy like while while he was mostly about the the ******* and portraying the penetration and stuff like that he when his in his ***** she was like we need to really like push the boundaries of what's allowable as far as gore is concerned and. Boy, does he ever. And it is fantastic. Like this isn't the kind of movie that you would expect to watch and think ohh wow, this contributed to the artistry of horror. Cinema but it. Actually does and it's amazing also very.
Yes, yes, yes, on all counts. The it's funny because he I was reading a little bit about it and said that he he was kind of down on his own ability to build suspense. In other words, he couldn't do it. So he went ahead and just did the extreme. Shock value instead, and he's very proud of that which he damn well ought to be.
Yeah, yeah, I like that. He's like, I don't feel confident in my ability to build suspense, so I'm just gonna not try.
You got to know your strengths. I like that the.
Like what if?
Ohh yeah, go ahead. Well, I was gonna say.
Speaker 5
No, no, you.
It was a. The film was released in 87, called in Inquiry a Casa built Omega to try to to try to pass it off as being related to the Evil Dead series, which it of course was not at all, and then it was released in Italy as Lacasa and. Macasa do way I guess as you would. Today in Spain, the movie was marketed as being a sequel to the House franchise. Therefore, House 6 and then El Terror, or El Perro continua, and then in Mexico it was billed as being part of the.
Zombie franchise it was listed as Zombie Ten. Oh my God. Yeah, this is. That's one of my favorite things about this era of horror movies is like. It's just nonsense. They're like, what if we just said it was part of another thing? And I I honestly think that's beautiful. I I love it because it just creates such a tangled mess of history to try to a.
Not it wasn't. Wasn't Fulci's zombie build as? Night of the Living Dead sequel wasn't that I think so, yes, yeah. It's all complete ********. No one gave any *****. I love Italians. They just lie and they don't give a damn. I was looking for the Napolitano Pizza house. Is it this direction C?
Thank you.
Where am I? There's no pizza restaurant here.
Let's see Joe's other directing credits include Ator, the Fighting Eagle famous from mystery science.
Theater 3, yes.
The Devil's wedding night, the crawlers. Black Cobra woman paradiso, blue blue, ****** climax. Super Climax sex penitentiary cop sucker cop. Sucker two and zombie 5.
Oh, my God. Get it together. OK.
Yeah, famously in the 1990s he was resistant to the change from film to video in the pornographic **** ***********. And he was like, yeah, it just doesn't feel as good. But I guess I'll do it. He also didn't like the fact. People wanted *********** to just portray a lot of extreme sex. He really wanted it, which is funny when you. Watch this movie. He was like, yeah, but what about the story element? Don't want the story element of *********** anymore.
What about the art?
So, yeah, this movie stars Kieran Kantor as Frank. Kieran Kantor would go on to be in some ****, but not much.
Yeah, basically just a bunch of soft **** or not a whole lot of. What was the other like? What do you say? Monreale Monreale, who plays Anna.
And spoiler alert, she's awesome. Oh no, she also plays Elena.
She plays her sister. Yeah, she's Christ. She was she was in full. She's the beyond, which is absolutely ******* **** ***. I love that moon. She's the lady with the whited out eyes.
Also, she was in full cheese. The Sweet House of horrors.
That I have not seen it sounds delightful.
Yeah, I know. That's what is you doing in here?
She was and Dario Argento. Argentos the Stendahl syndrome, so a definite veteran of some classic horror, even outside of this fine piece of film.
This fine pizza.
Which I'm so glad was shot on 16 millimeter film, apparently because if it had it been shot on video, it would have looked bad.
So a lot happens in this movie. John, do we need to warn? I mean, there's a yeah. There's a dead baboon. That was kind of upsetting. I forgot about that.
Yeah, that was upsetting. There was some possible well hints. More at necrophilia, probably in the Italian version. Straight up necrophilia. Yeah, there was a lot of dancing around, some really terrible things. If you're not a fan of of using actual pig body parts to make your gore scenes, then this is not the movie for you. If you don't like to see.
Grown men breastfeed. This is probably not gonna be the one for.
You, Jesus Christ. Yes, I forgot. Forgot about the breast. Feeding their nursemaid.
Oh my God.
This movie is ridiculous. There's also if you're offended by the naked female Bush, then this movie is not gonna be for you.
Yeah, you better get whipped. The hedge trimmers out because this one goes for it, yeah.
Ohh some some very homage to Herschel Gordon Lewis dismemberment so. So just be prepared for that before you view it, which you may have already done. Because we told you 2 two weeks ago.
In 2023, the the It's kind of you'd be kind of hard pressed to find the effects believable, but if you're squeamish and you're not somebody that you know, if you just react to that stuff, period, then yeah, this this movie might be a little tough for you to watch.
Yeah, I liked that there was. There was a a fake arm, just like the one in dance mapu, but the IT was. Like, oh, the one in dance mapu. Actually does look better than this. One nice technology advanced that's right, moving right along.
Yeah, you couldn't see through.
The one in dance mafoo.
Ohh yeah, I also wanted to mention which I thought was hilarious, that the reason Francastel Papi got the role. Toby was because another actress agreed to play Iris, sight unseen, read the script and was like no. And Frank Estopa, I was like.
Well, **** yeah, I'll do it.
Nice because she's awesome. What a trooper. Kick us off. Alright, well, the movie starts with a weird looking European red van truck driving through the woods while we listen to pretty awful goblin music. It's very 70s, of course, the guys driving along in his obscenely loud truck and he arrives at what I would describe as a ship house. He gets, gets out and meets a swarthy other douche, and then they work together to lift a very heavy box inside the van. Then Jordi Ouche leaves. He gets back in his van because it looked like he was wearing jordash jeans. If I was, if I wasn't mistaken, OK.
Just wondering where that was coming, Jordan?
So he drives away and we cut to a hazy filtered shot of a Crone, putting needles in voodoo dolls. While that are basically, you know based on a picture of the main character and what I'm assuming is his girlfriend, which of course it is and. Another lady with weird lips is sitting there watching this happen, and she's obviously loving it, so that's that's setting up something. They the the girlfriend, as it turns out, is in the hospital, ****** ** and moaning and she is doing a lot of gasping and then sort of red lines. Except I don't know what that meter is that's regulating her heart. I looks like something else entirely, but whatever.
I think it I think it's measuring whether or not her makeup needs to be replaced.
There's some lady in there who I thought was a nurse, but she like. Very not too worried, gets up and says. Nurse and then a doctor comes in and gives her an Ivy shot of some sort, and then she moans a lot and calls for Frank. So that's the red. That's the jordache. So meanwhile, Frank arrives at a Chateau and opens the little gate drives in. Suddenly the box. That he carries inside by himself is really not that heavy anymore, which I thought was interesting. He brings it into the Chateau and unpacks what turns out to be a dead male baboon. Which looked like a dead male baboon. It was pretty disgusting, not not disgusting, but little disturbing. He doses it with some sort of amber juice in this giant syringe that he has. And then while this is going on, the lady with the lips is snooping as he. Leaves that room and heads upstairs into the Chateau. Back at the hospital, the dying lady wants makeup as as you do, and the nurse deftly applies man makeup on with might. Might as well be a house painting brush. She's just like. Ah, there you go. It's so great back again at these chitter lips picks up. She picks up after douche cause he's he's made a mess in his bedroom, you know, cause he's a he's a naughty boy who's, like 30, she tells Frank. That the hospital called and then naked and tan Frank comes out. Grabs like with his clothes holding his junk, which I don't know why shy after what happens later, but he grabs his regular clothes and calls lips a stupid idiot for not telling him sooner.
You stupid idiot.
Back at the hospital, Frank Frank rushes in. He runs into. The best character in the movie, a random old person. With a funny.
Hey, where'd you get your license?
I I want to know what the original like was that what it was supposed to be in the original, or I can't imagine.
God only knows he's great. He he gets to, he gets to Anna's bedside, and he tenderly makes out with her to death. Back at the back at.
The ship, yeah.
In a very ornate bedroom, apparently Frank is the King of Italy. Uhm, he mopes. He's like sitting at this little desk or, you know, bedside, dresser or whatever. Just moping over these two horrible photos like one of of two people, another, neither of which look like her. And then a big portrait of himself. And he's just like, moping and then lips comes in and. You know, I mean, it's perfectly understandable. He's he's having a hard time. His girlfriend just died. So she whips it tight out and breastfeeds him. And it's extremely sexual and very strange.
Yeah, yeah. She's just, like, cooing at him and telling him that everything's gonna be OK and saying her own name over and over to him, she's like, it's OK. Sweet, Sweet Iris is gonna make everything good for you.
And he's like.
So bizarre this is the point. Whenever I first watched the movie I. Ohh I have to show John.
Doing it now we're back at or we're we're at at the Funeral Home and she's in her casket and Frank goes to visit her and he juices her with the amber hoist that he gave the baboon. While for no reason. The mortician who had just left. In the other room peeks back in to spy on the guy. What what reason? He's just sitting there, looking at her. He doesn't look weird or anything, and the dude peeks back in just in time to see him inject the juice into her neck. Then it's her funeral. There's a bunch of very serious Italian people in the background are a bunch of half naked Italian guys who are, like, working on something I don't. I think it was a mistake that they left that in the shot or something.
They're probably working on the *********** in the background.
I was like, are those people naked? What is going on?
Back there I didn't notice. I'll have to go back.
And watch it again.
It's ohh no.
It's so weird.
They they lower her casket with two ropes into this really narrow hole. That's like super deep. And then they show, like her parents, you know, mourning her mother has a gargantuan cold sore on her lip. Then her dad's there and a super hot blonde lady who looks just like her named Ellen's dad after the funeral, begs the priest essentially to do all The Dirty work. Because he can't handle, it's too much for him so he could bail and his wife can leave Italy. The daughter is gonna stick back though, and and complete her school. The mortician is is very conspicuously snooping on the proceedings. Now we're back at the cemetery. It's at night, and there's there's George Douche digs. Anna, who, by the way, is suddenly like, 6 inches below the surface, like, somehow the. And there's roses on top of her casket, which are clean, even though he just dug her up. He takes her and wraps her up in like a blanket and takes her and and then he drives the the van and spots a hitchhiker out in the middle of ******* nowhere. Who's like, hey, stop. And he just drives away.
But much to his. Misfortune, his tiny red van gets a flat tire. He has to stop. He changes the tire. There's some police officers in a station wagon. They offer him help. He's like, Nah. And then they drive along, he gets back in his van and ohh the the British hitchhiker from earlier is now in the passenger seat. She's just invited herself into his car and is offering him high-powered weed. Which she then begins to roll a joint and we can all see that it is **** tobacco. Just it's just so obvious. It is if you've ever rolled tobacco and you got the like Bally, **** or something, you know what this is? It's not weed. Weed does never look like this.
No, it looks like if somebody took the world's smallest sheet of brown paper and ran it through the world's smallest paper shredder, yes.
And she's just going on and on about how like she even says that this stuff is worth its weight in gold and how like it's gonna, like, really, like, knock your **** out or whatever. She she rolls it up. She takes a. Passes it to him and he's like, no, thank you. And then she just passes out, like she cannot handle her ****. There's also a thing that's supposed to be suspense, which Joe D'amato has said he cannot do about like Anna's hand flopping in through the little window and him like. Her not seeing it and him trying to hide it, it does nothing. It's stupid. Yeah, I love how they tried to set it up by having him notice that the glass window that took effort to move just opens on its own for some reason. Yeah, I love how jiggly Anna's body is, too. It is just. It's another case of the very bouncy cars of yore.
It's that it's that brown juice.
Yeah, that jiggly brown juice. Uh, back at home, Frank unloads Anna's body and dissects her while the hitchhiker is still asleep in the van. Anna's ***** can be seen prominently and look remarkably similar to the **** tobacco that is keeping this whole situation afloat. There's some great skin cutting and gut pulling scene. This is done with the aforementioned pigskin and guts from the slaughterhouse. It looks real good, but apparently they like. Soaked the pig guts in red dye because like it is just staining her skin in a very not normal blood way, but it still looks great and there's like this whole scene where it's like she's lying naked on the table and you can see this like this pink foldy lip incision running down her body. And it's like, wow, that looks really gross.
Yeah, yeah, they did a good job with that as impress.
Yeah, and she almost did a really good job of looking dead and not like giggling at being tickled or like breathing and stuff like that. Every once in a while, you're like, oh, I saw you. I saw you. But you know.
She does a pretty good job for for someone who has to basically do nothing on camera.
And then then Frank Yanks out Anna's heart. He kisses it and then takes a big old chunky bite out of it, which causes blood to spurt out of the ventricles. It's so stupid. It's really stupid and amazing. Yeah, but yeah, it's real dumb. And it doesn't make any sense with the type of stuff that happens later in this movie, much less the stuff that has already happened.
And he's like, semi orgasmic when he. Does it too.
Oh yeah, he's super into it. Also, that heart is enormous.
It's like the size of his skull. I read that they used to sheep's heart and I just was looking at. That and going. I don't think that's a. Real heart that looks.
Plastic. I don't know. I don't know. Then he he pulls out his copper tubes, which he gets all heated up and shoves them just right up into Anna's nostrils. And then he vacuums out annae's guts. I guess her brain. Through the nose and it comes out as the chicken Mcnugget pink slime that we all saw on YouTube back in the day.
A watermelon smoothie.
So apparently all you do is you just shove a copper tube into each one and you start pushing air through one end and everything from the body just comes out the other tube in a nice like protein shake style.
Cleans it, right?
Speaker 5
Yeah, it's good you don't have.
To do anything. At the time, Nope. You ain't gotta blend it. Up it's fine.
No prep work at all.
At this point, the hitchhiker wakes up flops her way around the whole place, finds Frank doing this horrible thing with a dead body, screams, and then Frank goes and grabs her to get her.
To to get her.
And then he grabs a giant pair of like horse nail Clippers or something. And then while she is screaming and struggling for her life, he. Carefully and precisely proceeds to rip her fingernails off of her hand while she's screaming and struggling, and then after he gets the fingernails off of one hand, he smothers her to death. What's going on there, bro?
It makes no sense. And her screams are agonizing.
Ohh man yes.
And it's like that scene that is like the most. Italian horror movie scene I've ever watched in my life. He's like, ah, yes, you're screaming here. Let me torture your fingernails. I'm so strong.
Speaker 5
Then I'll smother you to death.
He stashes her body in the tiny van, which we can now see is about four feet tall. It it's really an amazing Little Feat of engineering. We see that Iris has witnessed the whole thing. She looked sternly at him. Then helps him dress Anna's body in a nice gown, paints her fingernails red, and they put her in the Lucy Desi twin bed up against each other. Situation the the next morning the the baboon guy shows back up. His client is interested in the baboon, he says, and he wants to. He wants to buy it back from from Frank and so he can sell it for a bunch of money. Frank's like, no, I don't need money. I don't do this for this. This is my hobby guy. That's right. He's he's. Yeah, he does. Taxidermy. Lots of taxidermy everywhere.
Speaker 5
It's so stupid.
It's so stupid and it turns out that it's just to let the funeral guy sneak into the house. We see him sneaking in through a back room. He doesn't find the Hitchhiker's body, but he does find some blood. He finds her necklace and then he gets back in. The funeral guy pays paid the the baboon guy the baboon. Guys like hell. What was the deal with that? And he's like, hey, why don't you go **** ***? Guy Frank sees that someone snooped it. It turns out that Iris hid the body. The two of them go into the bathroom now together after, like, saying. Mean things to each other to dispose of the body. They start taking all of her clothes off. She's a large woman, yeah. Iris starts hacking off body parts just like she's got. She's got this big butchers axe and she's just like looking around trying to figure out where to even begin. And then she just like, it's like, all right, I'm going to start over here and starts hacking away over here. Has a breathing mask on and he starts filling the bathtub with acid from. Bottles of what you would assume is port wine because it's a green glass bottle with the rope.
Stuff on the outside.
Speaker 5
It's like a.
Tea and tea bottle.
And they have five of. Them he just keeps.
Pouring more and more acid into the bathtub and he like the scene. Goes on forever. So she's she's chopping off the head. She like she. You see it? She like hangs. It's like dangling. She's got it from the hair. She flings it in there. So it's this horrible flesh eating acid and she's just chunking body parts into it without any regard for the splash.
No regard for the splash. She has no body protection on of any kind. He's wearing a giant rubber apron and gloves and that stupid mask, and she's just going.
They did a great job. It's it's one of those situations where, like they had the the actor like, move her head over to the side so that you don't see it in the shot anymore. Cause now it looks like she's like her head is gone. Same thing with her arm. They're just chopping off bits. It's real good, but it goes on forever. And at first, you're like, wow, this is taking too long. And then after a. While you're like this. Is ******* amazing.
I mean afterwards they have real carnage on the floor and she's like. Scooping up chunks of meat and like hip sockets and just blood like actual animal blood, you could tell just by looking at it. It's really disgusting and she's like basically cleaning up the carnage that she left behind and just, you know, and then the meantime, like dumping it all into this bathtub. Yeah, it's ******* great. I loved this scene. I love when the the cheesy skull with the eyeball still in it. Like floats up to the surface of the tub.
So much eyeball stuff in this movie, I didn't mention it earlier, but the part that the hitchhiker walked in on was when he was like, shoving a fake eye into Anna's empty eye socket. And she's.
Speaker 5
Like, it's so good.
Oh my God. And then so then. Let's buries the. Loopy remains of the hitchhike Chris and then and then afterwards they're in the they're in the kitchen slash. Eating table, whatever he's sitting at the table, she's washing up, like cleaning the bucket out from. You know this, this burial or dumping or whatever. And then without washing her hands or anything, she pours 2 bowls of disgusting soup. And then while she's doing and then she sits down and starts eating it like she's. Some kind of like cave woman. Just it's just like like basically just taking hands full of it and justice rubbing it across her face, hoping some will get in her mouth. And Frank is is is clearly like in his mind, he's seeing the gore from the scene earlier and then he can't take it, he gets up and barfs. What I can only describe his heavy cream. It's like, what the hell did this guy just drink a Fort like a pint of heavy cream for breakfast?
He up Chuck some half and half.
So it's so disgusting.
And she's still got, like, her arms are covered in, like, the black chunky water from the burial and. When did she have time to cook the slop? Is it implying that they're eating the hitchhiker like I don't understand?
That's what I kind of thought it. But then I'm like, but they they don't show or save anything. They threw it all in the in the splashy acid. So I don't, I don't know. It was great though.
It it is great and it doesn't make any sense because we just saw him kiss and take a chump out of a heart after like dissecting someone and yanking on the guts and stuff. So why is he now, like sickened by? It doesn't make sense.
He is an aversion to sue. So now we're at we're at. Anna's bed side. And he's moping again. And you know, whenever whenever Frank's moping, you can count on Mama lips to come in and and calm him down. So she sits next to him and starts feeling him up. Basically, she's like sticking your hands up under his. V next sweater. And then she dips, trowel and is like digging in for the happy ending and saying things like. Iris knows how to take care of him, doesn't she? So she's yeah, she strokes him out of his sadness, I guess. And then I guess I'm assuming he ****** his pants and then had to go change his pants. But anyways, back at the Funeral Home, we're in a back office and it's ******* filthy. It's a place. Like, what is going on? He's got, like, a looks like a bookshelf. Behind him and on one of the shelves is a casket. What a cool guy. So where this guy shows up and it's like he's hired a Private Eye to appear. Without any pay, go, go, research and provide this mortician Frank's entire life story, and then what he does, the guy like whips his wallet. He's like, here you go. Good work now.
He he pays him like you pay a bell, man.
It gives him a tip. And then we see Frank, who, who's dressed up like marathon man. He's like jogging through town and then suddenly he's in the mountains. And I mean the setting is beautiful. And then yeah, oh, what do you know, he's just happens to be jogging behind some hot girl who looks like she's never run a step in her life. She's like, first of all, she's not sweating at all, and she she can't. I mean, she could barely run in a straight line. And then, wow, she had twisted her ankle, and he's gonna have to help her, you know? So he he. He wants her to wait. You know, cuz he's going to go to the to the pharmacy. And get some liniment but. Then he realizes it would just be easier to carry her to his house. Where he rubs white cream on her ankle and she asks him if he's a doctor. Wow, you're really.
Good at that.
It's like with he just put.
And he, he like, kisses her hand and stuff like it's obvious that he's he's, you know, he's down to clown. Because apparently the handy that he just. Andy, that lips gave him earlier wasn't enough, so he he goes somewhere in the house to get he's on a gauze run and he stops. Of course, cause he has to visit dead Anna for a second. I don't know if he's like to get it up or whatever. And then and then jangle the jogger with the ankle calls for him. Calls for him, so he hides Hannah real quick, like, flips the bedspread up over her. She's like, like, weighs like £80.00, so he can kind of hide her under a bedspread. And then he he wraps her ankle. And you know, it's getting all good and she's. Like, oh, wait until you finish wrapping the ankle. So then they get into the bed right next to Anna, where the the matching twin beds with velvety blankets, and they start getting all feely and Frank pulls the bedspread down so he can look at Anna and kind of touch her or whatever so he can get the full corpse ***** and the jogger sees her. And for some reason this is upset by this. I don't know why. Freaks the **** out. So Frank bites a hole in her neck, which kills her, and then he eats it.
Whatever, it's so good.
So he's in some sort of strange orgasmic.
Speaker 5
Daze. He's just.
Blood on him. And the lips walks in, of course, because she's always there at the key moment, takes the jogress and tosses her into. That dude has a ******* crematorium in his basement.
She she hadn't.
Thought about that at the after the first one, she was like, all right, look, I can't chop up another body.
That was too much work, I thought, chopping up a body was going to be no big deal. How silly of me to forget that you have a crematorium in your taxidermy station. So they just they just toss the jogger into the crematorium thing and, uh, fire it up and then she does this cool, like scrunching up thing like she's. Yeah, it's great I call. Oh, yeah, I called it the taxidermy torium. And then, yeah, so it's amazing. But anyways, lips now has suggested that. She just she just she suggests that Frank get rid of Anna because you know, because she wants all the attention basically, but also because the, you know, it's crazy. And the odds of keeping a weirdly preserved dead body in your bedroom is probably. Not a good idea so. She says it's for his safety and she's like.
Forget about her. She's dead.
And we're alive. But Frank's not having it. He's going to keep her in her own room. She's getting all dressed up because, you know, they're going to have guests or whatever. Then the cops show up and she immediately puts on her nursemaid. Get up with an apron again because she can't have guests. You know, with the police to know that you're having guests. I didn't understand that.
There was a lot of her walking back and forth in a room, taking a gown off, putting a gown back on. It was like.
I don't think.
The cops care. They're just looking for a missing jogger. So she's kind of, you know, they're they're asking a bunch of questions outside and frank. Answering their questions, but obviously being vague and then she's a little bit more kind of aggressive, like pushing back and then they're like, you know, well, we could get a we could get a warrant, but we would really like to search the place if we could. And she's like, sure come on in. So they they go straight to the taxidermy torium. They're like looking around and the guys like, oh, these are these are amazing. What is this? It's like some taxidermied animal I didn't even. Catch what it was.
It's like a bird or.
Something. Yeah, like a bird.
Or a squirrel like it was. Just one he's like ooh.
And she's like, ohh well here, let me wrap that for you so you can take it home for free.
She just puts a piece of paper.
Like ohh here. Yeah, you wouldn't wanna.
Touch that. That's so weird.
Oh my God. And then the cops are like, well, you know, I think I've. Seen enough and they leave.
And yeah, whatever, and and then.
That was so strange. And then we we cut to a dinner table. She's back in her her gown or dress or whatever the ****. There's all these weird people in that in like leader hose and and **** sitting around the table and and then there's this woman who has a full on mustache. Like just rocking the stash? Like where no one's going to mention this, OK, Italy. And they're like, EZ, what the fathers spread, that you got the and she she brings in this suckling pig or piglet. It's really small, I don't know. And they're all sitting there and they ask about Frank.
Know Liz Wizard the Frank Carini?
They're all drinking like they've got like these, these tiny little cordial cups full of cranberry juice. I assume they're there's even this one, like, whenever the pig comes out there like and he's like alright, I know when people want me to do a thing and he like he goes to carve the pink but it like leaves the pig all the way in the middle of the table. So he's having to, like, reach all the way over with the fork and knife, and it's real awkward. And meanwhile, Frank is just moping outside. And then yeah, they call for him. He comes in. He doesn't say ****, but then Iris announces that they're going to get married.
What the **** was that? Where I'm like, how? How many times do I have to watch this movie and, you know, to go back and see the part where they talk about getting married because they don't? They never talked about it. This is literally the only scene in which that gets mentioned.
And we don't know who these people are. It seems like they're her friends, but she's the maid. I don't know what's happening.
It's it's butcher, Baker linguine maker.
Nice. Ohh man.
So that he just leaves while everyone's like mid cranberry juice toast and they're like ohh he must be feeling weird. I don't know. I got a little French in there. He goes to Anna's bedside and begins to cry and profess his forever love for her, and then goes for a jog. For some reason, yeah. At this point, the funeral guy is back. He's sneaking into the house again. Iris, all of the guests are gone. Iris is just **** face drunk. Honestly, the best job I've ever seen of a person in a movie. Stumbling around after waking up drunk like I was like, wow, that is, that is exactly what it looks like.
Her hair's all messy. It's great.
Yeah, she just can't really do a straight line. All good, she thought she heard someone. She's so she's. Stumbling around the house looking for Frank. It doesn't matter that she's drunk. Meanwhile, the funeral guy has found the one ugly, dingy poor people. Part of the house. It's like some basement or something where the ceiling is like 6 feet high. And it's all painted like ****, and he's, like, looking through stuff, and he finds Anna's body in a in a closet. It falls out like in the movie pieces, but this did come out before the movie pieces. I'm sure there are other movies that this coping, but I was like, hey. Just like in.
Then he he takes a photo.
Of the body laying on the floor and scoots out and then we see him developing the photo somewhere else.
Now we're in his his personal black room, yeah.
Ohh, it's so ******.
And why did she fall face first out of the dresser and land on her back?
She standing up in there?
It gets better.
It does, Iris then tells Frank to get rid of his gross doll. He slaps her. She tells him he'll be sorry. Then he leaves and goes to a discotheque.
As one do.
Yeah, he finds the one hoochie in the whole place. She's on the dance floor, surrounded by only men who are also dancing by themselves. No one is dancing together. None of these ***** Italian dudes are trying to approach her, and she is just doing the thing where you swing. Their ***** left and right as hard as possible. It's the most deliberate attempt for male attention I've ever seen. So he's just watching like a creep. He ends up bringing her home where she spends a good deal of time washing her **** in 1970s green water. John, you lived in the 70s, right? Why was the water always green?
Well, you see. In in France, what they would do is instead of having water run through the plumbing, they would use absinthe and then what you would do is put a little filter over the faucet head with sugar cubes in it. So as the absinthe passed through, it turned green.
That makes sense. That makes sense. I I I would assume in Ireland what it was is the pipes were made out of Clover.
That's exactly correct. Yes, the pipes were made of Clover and and so then you would. Then you would have boxes of Lucky Charms. I don't know. What I'm talking about?
There it is. That was good. I liked it. You stuck the. So yeah, so she's just in the bathtub washing her ****. Meanwhile, someone pulls up to the house in a taxi. Opens the door. It's Elena and his twin sister. Uh, iris is just. **** like she has no ******* idea what's up. She is just done with expressions. Yeah, she's lost. Frank sees this from the top of the stairs. She goes he he goes and he bullies. This is such a weird movie. He goes to to the discotheque. In the bathroom, he's. Like, hey, you have to leave now. I'll take you home. But you have to leave. And she's like, I'm not leaving until you put your come on me. And he's like, no, no, no. You have to leave. I'm gonna drive you home. And that's what happens. He like like. Smuggles her out the back, drives her home. This guy that just kills people. He's like, yeah. I'll take you home. It's going to be fine. So yeah, it's. Just that that happens and.
So well, you have to understand that he he felt sorry for her because she had very dirty ****.
So while while he's driving disco hoochie home. Iris is now left alone in the house with Anna. And So what she decides to do is she's going to. Move annas body into a spooky spot. Cut off the lights and then do a spooky voice at Elena like.
Woo the house is.
Jesus Christ, and to her credit, this is entirely effective and Elena cannot handle her ****. So she, like, backs up everywhere. Also, there's an amazing like giant bronze like furnace in the side of the room. I don't know what's going on. But that thing was ******* awesome. I need one of those.
Is that is that the thing that's covered in what looks like jade or something like? What the hell was that?
Like, like, shiny green.
Like wow, that is, it was a time machine.
You must have done so good in fascist Italy in this.
House time machine. I just come.
And so, yeah. So Elena is, like, spooking her way through the house. And then, like, I think she sees Anna's body propped up in the chair. And then she she turns around, and there's Iris in the shadows holding a knife the wrong way. Like they're they're. All sorts of different ways that you can hold the knife in a minute. Don't imagine any of those this is. The wrong way to.
Yeah, this is one step short of carrying it by the blade. I like when Elena's going through the House and she's got a candle to light her way and the way they they decided to shoot that was to hit her with a flashlight so that it would look like her. Candle was lighting the way when it's so clear that someone behind.
The camera is.
Just dosing her with a flashlight. It's like, yeah, why not?
So the very sight of Iris in the darkness with the knife is enough to cause her to collapse into a coma. Yeah, apparently she's done. Yeah, yeah, she she goes full blown, comatose, and then I. Chris very slowly comes up like it's it's hard. Like we're like, OK, she just wanted to scare the **** out of her, I guess. But no, she comes up to her very slowly and is like just step out because he can't build tension for ****. Joe Tomato knows this about himself after watching this movie, he cannot build. Mentioned for ****. So she just very slowly comes up to stab her. And then at the last second, I guess ******* frank, like, really took that hoochie home fast. She must live near by, that turns out.
She lives right.
Next door, Jesus in his in his like like isolated estate in the Italian countryside. He's just, like, got her back and and then drove back home real quick. I guess he knew that this was gonna be a problem. And so, just as she's bringing the knife down to stab Elena, he grabs her arm. He's suddenly there. And now they're fighting. ** *** she stabs him in the penis.
In the brown Jenkins.
Yeah, she separates the Frank from the beans. And he, like, does the whole. But then it's still good to keep fighting. So, so part of him getting stabbed in the penis as he falls back and, like sits in Anna's dead lap, the chair folds over there. He's, like, sprawling out on top of her.
He bites Iris's cheek off. He gives her a 50% Chelsea Grin.
She rips out his eye and more eyeball stuff. Yeah, and then he stabs her in the heart, which, which I'm sure Joe was like, ohh man, this is going to be really symbolic and help add to the tension.
Speaker 5
I'll teach them about suspense.
And then so Iris is now dead. He's stabbed her in the heart. Then he walks over to make sure that Elena's heart is beating. It is, and then he picks her up and carries her away. Later or something? Funeral Guy is now snooping around again. He just he can't get his fill of this situation.
Speaker 5
Is a new obsession.
We don't really know what his motive is either. He's just like looking for it. He he's snooping around, he finds Frank. Frank is still covered in blood. There's just blood all over his, like, dripping down out of his eye and and Frank is Manning the furnace and and Frank is, like, just conscious enough to, like, see the funeral guy and then pass out himself. And so the funeral guys like, oh, that's that's convenient. He looks in the furnace, he sees that there are bodies being burned. He he then sees Anna's body on the table and we find out this is in fact what he was here for, so he he picks up Anna's body. He drives. He puts the body in his car, drives away as he's driving off the property. We see he has the the photo that he took of Anna's body on the floor, and he drops it on the on the driveway, leaving the thing which is weird like it. Now we see what he wanted was Anna's body. Why he took the photo instead of just taking her body then we will never know. No, but he he he takes takes the body out. The photo he brings her body to the priest that presided over the funeral. They're talking about it. There's something about money being exchanged that didn't make sense. I guess I I think what we're supposed to get from it is that they found out that her body had been exhumed. And her parents paid him extra to get the body back or something like that, yeah. But it's super not clear. And then he he puts, he puts her body into the casket and him and the priest are talking. And then he slowly starts screwing the casket closed, and at this very moment with the coffin, shut the lid. Off and we see it's not Anna. In fact, it was Elena, and she's now flinging her arms and and just Jack Jaw opening her mouth in the most horrific, torturous expression ever screaming, screaming, flinging around, screaming, freeze frame. On her screaming face, it says the end, the end credits roll the goblin training video. Music plays movie over.
Oh my God. Ah, not never a dull moment.
No, no, many a confusing moment, but not dull.
Ohh yeah yeah yeah. Like like all Italian 70s or 90% of it makes no ******* sense. No idea.
I'm guessing there maybe there is a criticism of like the the wealthy Italian families. Like maybe this was playing into some stereotypes that I just don't know about.
Yeah, cause he's he like, inherited that fortune.
So he's just some spoiled rich kid who gets blow. He's from his nursemaid. I don't know what.
Yeah, that's right, the that's the the private investigator was like, yeah, I found out he's. Let's see here. He's like, ohh. OK. Here's a here's a tenner.
I couldn't have figured that out myself. He lives like *** **** castle.
So so John, yeah. But before we, before we. Dive into the things let's do the ratings.
Speaker 5
On a scale of 0 to 5, lonesome thing zero being this movie, doesn't it deserve to exist? And five, being that this is a masterpiece that other movies should be trying to emulate, and none of them ever will successfully rise to the occasion of, how would you rate Joe Demattos beyond the darkness parentheses? 1979.
I I don't know why I chose to do this 50. What four or five movies into the show, but it is. I decided to like break down into a comprehensive rating system, so like my first question is it horror 5? Yes, it's horror. It's straight up. Did I enjoy it? I gave it a.
3.5 you know?
OK, I enjoyed it. You know, overall production quality 2.5 pretty.
Yeah, that's that's yeah. But that's in.
The middle right? Yeah, yeah.
Effects, effects and makeup. I'm gonna give it a 4.5 because. Loved it. Atmosphere, which I think is important in horror films. I'm going to give it a 2.8 because the atmosphere is.
OK, OK. Yeah, yeah.
Terrible in that film. It's not scary at all. It's place and horror, I think is another important category. I gave it. A 3.8 because I think it is. It does have its place, but most people, and if they're not. Horror fans won't know about this, but if you study horror, particularly the 70s, this film does have its place and it is well deserved writing and acting. I gave it A2 and I think I was being generous. Overall, divided by what was that seven? I believe it comes out to 3.44, which is probably pretty damn close to what I would have come up with. Anyway, had I been purely subjective, which it's all purely subjective.
Right. Yeah. Fantastic.
I gave it a 3.4. What the ****? I.
I I I mean, I agonized over that 3.4 I I was like oh man. But I need to I need to move these numbers here. Alright so so my my rubric is 1. So in each of these it's a number between .0. 1 so it's like on a 10 scale. And then I just add them all together. So is it a horror movie? I gave it a .8 like so. That's a that's a 8 out of 10. Basically I enjoyed it. I gave it a nine technical horror. I gave it A7. You know, there's some some ways in which it like it wasn't scary and that, but but the actual. Effects were just phenomenal and and and really good technical film. I gave it a .2. Yeah, artistry and contribution. I gave it 8 and all at like .8 point 9, point 7.2 and .8. That's a 3.4. We've got good rubrics.
They're actually pretty and and quite similar in in certain respects. Now, to be fair, like so.
We both gave this 3 point a 3.4 and. A 3.44. This is not a 3.4 out of five movie it is. It is not nearly a what? That's almost A7. Of 10 it's not, but it is definitely a 3.4 out of five loathsome things, like on on our scale. That's where it belongs.
That's right. We we will not be included in the Pantheon, but if you're going based entirely on our our mentality, which you know we all know about that by now, then yeah, I think a 3.4 ish 3 point. Yeah, I think that's fair. I like that. We were off by 4-1 hundredths of.
A point, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. So that is a 6.84 out of 10 loathsome things. That's way, way high.
This movie sucked ***.
This movie is terrible, but I just enjoyed it so much.
I I mean, I could. I could watch it as soon as we're done recording again and love it just as much.
So we've got like the other ones like a a muck train and and the pit this is like in those that vein of movies where it's just ridiculous. But this was just way better than those.
It is it is it? It it's almost an actual movie.
Yeah. So so Joe D'amato. Rest in ***********. You you made something that we really enjoyed, even though it was like sleazy as ****. There's so much like. Unlike just like, yeah, let's get some **** in here. Let's, let's show the whole Bush like. We're going for it, but. But I mean it it it's just one of the only movies I've ever seen that transcends the sleaze into just. Absurdly amazing nonsense.
Yeah, it it really. It really is a blast to watch. It's so ridiculous. It's such so 70s. It's it's great.
Whenever whenever I saw the suckling and I was like, oh, I'm gonna have to tell John about this. And then when I. Talked to you about it? I was like, hey, have you heard of this movie? You've seen it. You're like, no, I. Haven't I was like.
Ohh yeah, it's gonna be so good. This is why we do this podcast. It's movies like this.
Ohh yeah absolutely. Yeah, I saw the cover. Maybe it looked vaguely familiar, but I didn't know. About this movie not at yeah.
And then I didn't even realize it until I was like going through it like the the goblin element. I was like ohh God John's gonna like this like, but it's all so terrible.
I know I'm. I'm like, oh, I'm gonna pinch a link on this and then it starts, starts good, starts strong for a good solid 8 or 9 seconds and then. Man, it just devolves into like training video stuff like you said. Yeah, that's it's that. Remember to turn your badge in at the end of the day.
You are required to wear the T-shirt and we will charge you for the T.
We will be leaving the bathroom doors open as a safety feature.
Remember, your manager is your friend.
If you encounter a homeless person washing their testicles in the sink.
Ohh, you get the idea. Yeah, yeah, if. A guy is hiding a baseball bat in his pants approach. Him from a distance. Please watch tape two to figure out what to do if you come across a pile of magazines covered and come.
And please grab a gluten free bagel on your way out the door.
Oh Barnes in problems. Good. All right. So yeah, yeah, a 6.84 any anything that you want to like, zoom in on and and and like, pay a special attention to or a favorite moment. Something that that made this a gym for you.
I mean the. The God there's. There were a lot. That's that's true. The the whole dismemberment scene was just classic. It was it was just pure. Pure Italian schlock. I mean that's that's what you you come for that and you have it. And yourself, Sir?
Ohh man I I just. All, all of the stuff with Iris, I mean, she's. The movie is about Frank, but it she is just such a great, weird villain. She's not even the villain, he's the villain. It's like he's the bad guy of the movie, but she's just so good and she eats up the screen every. Time she's on it. Your eyeball, like I could see why his career in softcore core *********** got started, but then didn't like finish because like, yeah, he's got, like, the eyes, he's got the hair, the jaw, like he's handsome. But your eyeballs just slip right off of him like he he could blend into a crowd of pretty people, but like the instant that she's on camera, you're like, whoa, what is she doing?
She's got a look. She just has that. There's just a look to her. He he has a look. What I would describe as a young Billy Joel.
So there you go with that.
So yeah, it was good. I loved it. If you can handle the problems, it's got some problems, but it's it's much easier to watch than some of the other weird stuff we've seen.
Yeah, yeah, it this this falls. Firmly in the place of horror.
Speaker 5
Yeah, you're you're good there.
Speaking of other things that things that we've watched, Sean, what about have you been watching anything else or consuming any other media or or doing any other cool things?
Hey, just the usual listening to a lot of audio books at work, horror audiobooks currently listening to a book called The Shoemakers Magician, which is written by an author out of Chicago named Cynthia Pelayo. She just won the Bram Stoker Award last night for her poetry, which is cool. And I guess is what like as long as I'm and it's a great book, by the way, it's it's about a woman who's, like, kind of obsessed with folklore, with old horror movies. And her husband is a homicide detective who is investigating a bunch of weirdly cult related murders. It's it's really interesting. And it's a nice mix of elements. So anyways, that's that's really the main one. The rest of this stuff is like I haven't seen any really horror movies or anything like that. I don't know. How about you?
It's a new. Movie The the directors name is DW Medoff it it's his feature film debut, it's called Pollen. It's.
Oh yeah, yeah.
Yeah, it's, it's good. It's super low budget and it it's kind of a I, I don't know if you're familiar with the mumble core idea of movies, it's very mumble core, very, very low budget like it you. You can see it in there. And it and it doesn't pull itself all the way out of the the low budget slums of like. Where it could be. Rated But it it it gets a little. Bit out of there. There's actually some some meat on the bones and it's it's an interesting watch. In some ways. It's kind of problematic. It would probably be better if. It was written and directed by a a woman because it's very much like a **** **** and me too, and a status quo in the workplace type of deal. I'd recommend watching it. I think it's only available for rent, so I would recommend y'all go out there, throw a few dollars on it, give a a new upcoming creator a a little, a little extra spending cash for and encouragement for their next project. It's it's good like they're they're trouble. I'm not, I'm not. Qualified to to say whether or not it portrays things like that in a good way, so it's very possible that the. Like did his research had, like, consultants, that made sure that this was done the right way? It's just like they're little parts of me. That's like I suspect maybe this. Could have been done. Better, but I don't know, but it was enjoyable to watch.
Well, I I I I hadn't seen it and I. Mean saw that it was. Out there and it looked interesting. So yeah, now I'll definitely watch it.
Yeah, it's really good. And so my TV just died, right? Right. Right before our we recorded our last episode. And I got a replacement. And I actually. It, like the old one, was 4K, but it was one of those like, not really 4K things. And this one is actually 4K with the O LED. And the first thing that we watched on, well, the first thing I watched on it was a old system of a down music video which looked like trash because it was from like 2004. And then we watched King of the Hill. So it was like we're not really doing this TV justice. So we watched Ant-Man. And it's ******* gorgeous on this TV. It like, I'm gonna try to watch as much as possible on there. I'm gonna have to see if I can get my headphones on there, because watching stuff on a really actually high quality screen TV is amazing. It's it's a game changer for real, yeah. Yeah, like with that other TV, like when we got it. And watch stuff on. It I was like ohh neat. It's big and then. With this one I'm like. Ohh look I can see. Stuff moving and ah, it's good. Yes, that's it's.
Yeah, it's a totally different experience when some when something shot in 4K it it, it looks different. I mean it. The motion tracks different and you know the the the the level of clarity is is like like it's yeah. Like you do see a lot of things you wouldn't see otherwise, but it's just. It's almost like you're looking through a damn window.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's.
And sometimes some of the things even look a little bit weird, like like on old British TV shows where, like it, it's got like that weird blurry effect. It kind of does that sometimes, but it's still good. I'm still getting used to it. Sometimes I kind of hate it, but most of the time it's very rad. And what are we watching? Next time, John.
Now, next time we're watching a movie that is heavily influenced by the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which is fine with me if you pull it off, it's a A I believe it's an Indonesian film called Maccabe. And it's directed by Timo Jazz Zanto or something like that. I can't pronounce his name. He did some of the VHS stuff. He did my my personal favorite VHS film, the one with the Crazy murder cult that summons a demon.
I see, yes.
I love that film. He made that. We also made some of. Those like super high violence tower type movies, you know, like he kind of got in on that thing you. Know where the. Guys are that kind of world. He did some. Of that stuff too.
Was was he involved in, like the raid redemption?
He might have been. I can't remember the connection I'll have. I'll look it up for the next for the for when we recorded. But the movie itself is it's like a bunch of young people in a van and. They basically you're out in the middle of nowhere and it breaks down and they get taken to this house, which in this case is like this big Gothic kind of mansion, and it's run by this matriarch and her weird family. And yeah, it turns out that they're just like, murderous cannibals. And it is ******* over the top and amazing.
Oh yes, I haven't looked up anything about it, but that that sounds ******* great. Do we there? Have you seen it recently? Are there anything that we can warn our fans about?
Well, it's extremely violent and the violence is.
Is yes, it's over the top, but it is. It is pretty, you know. I mean it's very graphic like it's, you know, there's insane amounts of blood and stuff like that, but it's just and and and then the situations that the violence is presented in are are pretty intense. I mean, so it's it's a very unflinching movie which is kind of his thing. But he's a he's kind of a gonzo guy, but it's a lush film. So, yeah, it's gonna be a lot of fun.
I'm looking forward to it and I hope you, our listeners are looking forward to it as well. We will be releasing the episode where we cover that in two weeks. So do watch it cautiously so that you can keep up with us because we're so good at what we do.
Ohh we are state-of-the-art and in the meantime I'm sorry that you all have to take a bath in Chianti. Acid.

Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Content Warning: self-harm. It’s not just featured in the film, it is at the center of the film’s theme. We describe the self-harm in this episode so, you know, be careful with your emotional well-being.
“Dans ma Peau” is an underappreciated body horror film that really puts the “extremity” into the New French Extremity genre. Esther is an up-and-coming professional in some sort of business industry, but she develops a new hobby that may put all that at risk. Will she be able to power through this new fixation and get that promotion? Will her jealous friend lift a finger to help her in a bewildering moment of assault? Will her boyfriend ever get to renovate that place he wants? Find out the answers to this and so much more in the newest episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast that releases Oxytocin into your brain!If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us what you do when you pretend to go to the bathroom during a business dinner, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Lo, we have returned with the prophesied episode, that which much come after the others doth came. And on the third Basket Case, they wept. And it was bad. So say we all. Wait, what? Remember at the end of Basket Case 2 how after a really boggy round of lump rutting between Belial and Eve, Duane decided it was time to reconnect with his brother? No? Well, no worries, because this movie begins with a “previously on” segment, and then it’s all downhill from there! Join us as we watch Granny Ruth and the gang take the Basket Case franchise on a road trip movie full of surprise boobies, dominatrix cops-daughters, sausage linked babies and the poetic stylings of an 11-armed guy that may still have difficulty wiping his own ass. All that, and we get our first musical number here on Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast approved of and blessed by your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us which movie type you hope Basket Case 4 emulates (it’s Weekend at Belial’s), or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
In the 1970s, someone thought it’d be a cool idea to mix the ideas of Tod Browning’s Freaks with a Frankenstein story genetically modified with DNA. This horror movie trades in the objectification of people that are different, women tits getting a breath of fresh air, and really cool fast-motion plant footage. We tried to be careful with our language and ableism discourse. Maybe we didn’t nail it, but we tried our darndest and are always striving to get better. Speaking of getting better… uh… keep listening to Loathsome Things: the best place to get horror movie summaries without having the watch the horror movies yourself because you’re too scared and we aren’t, so there!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us which pod people movie we should have watched instead, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
At long last, we arrive at our destination of having gotten through all that snatch with this 90s-tastic piece of something from the something-addled something of someone’s something. What am I talking about? Have I been taken over by some sort of horrific racial superiority mindset noodling its way through the ranks of the military? That’s right, the year is 1993, the director is Abel Ferrara, the female nudity is portrayed as either being of minors or done to minors, because … well… I really don’t know. We enjoyed but can’t really recommend that you watch this remakester of a movie that would fit nicely in the Twin Peaks or maybe even Swamp Thing universe. The acting is well-done, the practical effects are pretty damn good, the underagedness is creepy, the deus ex machina is cranked all the way up to the main character’s age, and the big conclusion is simultaneous glorious and, possibly, the single shittiest thing we’ve seen in any of the three films. Join us as we bog down our eyebrows in this no-nonsense episode of Loathsome Things: a good horror movie podcast recommendation!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us which pod people movie we should have watched instead, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Join us as we embark on an ultra-cosmic journey from some unknown corner of the universe all the way to a post-psychedelic and mega-starchy San Francisco with this tremendous effort in scifi/horror movie remakesmanship! Leonard Nimoy makes one of his greatest non-Star Trek appearances, a studly young Jeff Goldblum does his best Alan Alda impression, Veronica Cartwright shows off some sick hand and vocal skills, Donald “Donny South” Sutherland brings the action and Brooke Adams gets topless instead of the credit she deserves in this sometimes brilliant, sometimes confusing film, which is a strong contender for greatest remake of all time, especially within the horror genre. So, put your favorite face skin on some dog you love and plug your ears into the wild ride that is Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast for people that don’t like horror movie podcasts, thus our broad appeal!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us some cool trivia, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Cease your philandering ways and listen up, kiddo, for this April we’re putting together a 1-2-3-punch comparison of bodily snatchery starting with the original maybe-Red Scare classic about creepy white people being replaced with even creepier white people in well-to-do 1950s America. Sure, that was one sentence! From the director that brought you Flaming Star and Two Mules for Sister Sara comes this dazzling classic starring the guy Piranha and none other than Dagmar Wynter and her flagrantly stuffed brazier. Hey, wait a minute, you’re not our listeners! Oh well, it would seem you’ve been replaced a la Crapgras Delusion, so you’ve no reason not to tune in to this episode of Loathsome Things: the most patriotic podcast in these United States!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us how Becky Driscoll got body sntached, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Bow down and rejoice for the bountiful practical effects goodness this movie granteth! Through the files of movie production hell, The Void emerged renewed and pure for our plentiful enjoyment…eth… It’s good enough to get Josh to rethink how he grades movies for this podcast. Repent of your flesh and step through the mysterious triangle of the play button as you listen to this cosmic episode of Loathsome Things: the best horror movie podcast of fans of H.P. Lovecraft-inspired film, but not the dude, himself!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tells us about a movie that reminds you of John Carpenter’s The Thing or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Extreme Animal Cruelty Content Warning: this movie contains one of the single most despicable scenes of actual violence against animals either of us have likely ever seen in cinema. Kangaroos are shown being shot, struggling to escape, and slowly, painfully dying. There is a shot of a pile of severed kangaroo upper torsos that the camera lingers on. Do not watch this movie if that is the kind of thing that will upset. It upset John and it upset Josh. It’s a really good movie in all respects, other than the depiction of inexcusable animal cruelty. Yes, we know the arguments about why it was a good thing, or whatever.
When not discussing that element, we have a good ol’ time talking about this lost film, which some might call the greatest Ozploitation movie of all time. John and Josh disagree about whether or not this qualifies as a “horror movie,” which leads to one of (but not THE) our most disparate rating results in our show’s history. I know you concerns yourselves with that sort of thing, and even read this at all. It’s Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast, and occasionally one of the top 50 film review podcasts in all of Taiwan!
If you would like to recommend a movie, explain why it’s good to mercilessly shoot kangaroos in the least-humane way possible, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(10) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
We left all the static and background noises in this episode as an artistic attempt to recreate the movie-going experience of this nightmarish-ish experimental film from jolly ol’ Canada. We both liked it, we both hated it. It’s art, folks! For this one, you don’t necessarily need to watch it first. We spoil the whole thing, but it’s impossible to spoil the experience of watching this movie, which follows two young people around a spooky house during a forever night full of dreamy transitions, cartoons from the yore of your mind, and a strikingly confusing concept of what the camera is supposed to be. It’s Skinamarink on the best podcast about horror movies for horror movie fans that aren’t afraid to open up and make themselves vulnerable to hypnotic suggestion. You are getting sleepy. You are getting sleepy. You want to send all your friends and relatives a link to this show and encourage them to listen to every episode!
Kyle Edward Ball’s Nightmare 1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGesb5A1rAI
Kyle Edward Ball’s Heck:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVQzEzW4faA
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell Josh that that was an adverb, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(10) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Content Warning: this movie depicts domestic violence, child endangerment and psycho-sexual assault
Sexy tentacle aliens will fill up your holes all night long in this movie full of chunky blood, broken eggs, spilled milk, oozing jism, allusions to world politics and some of the most gut-dumping relationship trauma you’ll ever see in a horror movie. Isabelle Adjani gives the performance of a lifetime, and you get to see a young and spermy Sam Neill. Andrzej Żuławski was in artistic exile from his home country of Poland while filming this epic post-Eraserhead, pre-Mother! body-horror masterpiece. Watch the movie before listening. It’s a shame more people haven’t seen this film and just another drop in the bucket of evidence for 1981 being the great year in horror movie history.
If you would like to recommend a movie, point out the awesome stuff we missed, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981) (2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(8) Ti West’s X (2022)(9) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(10) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Two chummy science buddies unlock the secrets of pseudobiology while strutting from stage left to stage right in the Frankenstein barony’s most maze-like castle and daring to ask the question “what if instead of lightning we, I don’t know, just kind of dunked stuff in big aquarium full of science tea?” This film put Hammer on the map as the Wizard of Oz of color-gory horror movies and served as the foundation of Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing’s friendship and collaborative success in billions of horror movies to come. It’s worth the watch just for the history, with a few great horror movie moments sprinkled in as a bonus to this most 47th of all Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast episodes!
If you would like to recommend a movie, talk about Miss France (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcMfZyXCl9s), or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Ti West’s X (2022)(8) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(9) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(10) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Supernatural experimental underwater Nazi uber-soldiers (band name, called it!) rise from the waves just as Gilligan, The Skipper, and the alcoholic, porn-plastering 3rd member of the crew, Dobbs, are bringing their vacationing cargo around for a lovely time on a desert island inhabited only by Herr Professor Peter Cushing. What could go wrong? Find out what kind of weird things we say about this semi-classic something-or-other of a horror movie on this episode of Loathsome Things: Das Horror Movie Podzinger!
If you would like to recommend a movie, send us your erotic Shock Waves fan fiction, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Ti West’s X (2022)(8) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(9) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(10) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Content Warning: The film we are about to review contains torture, suicide, deicide, public execution, themes of antisemitism, transphobia and ableism. By continuing to listen to this podcast, you expressly agree to hear blasphemous and sacrilegious statements.
We’re keeping the Christ in Christmassacre by beating the Christ out of Christmas as we review Mel Gibson’s The Passion of The Christ on this most holly, jolly episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, blaspheme with us, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Ti West’s X (2022)(8) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(9) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(10) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
This time vosotros reviewed a low-budget euro-70s movie about knights templar-themed zombies that rise from the dead to vampire up slutty blood and ride around town on mysteriously-sourced horses. It’s wacky. It’s zany. It likes to give the audience a reason to not be sad when a character dies. Perhaps they’re creepy. Perhaps they experimented with homosexuality in their youth. Perhaps they’re some kind of criminal. Content Warning: we discuss this movie’s casual depiction of sexual assault and rape. The movie doesn’t seem to think it’s that big of a deal, but it's honestly pretty upsetting. If you don’t want to see that or a child crying while being drenched in their mother’s lifeblood, watch the censored American cut.
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us every horror movie you know of that’s set on or around trains, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Ti West’s X (2022)(8) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(9) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(10) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
After spending a year and a half NOT reviewing a Rob Zombie joint, we decided it was high time to review the robbest of all zombies, the one-thousandest of houses, the 90-minute music video interlude itself: House of 1000 Corpses. It was a delight to watch and a delight to discuss. Did we do a good job discussing it? You’s to say! We referenced a lot of things in this episode, so here’s a list of things to watch, listen to, or read about that’re all probably better than listening to this newest episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!The Moors Murdershttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moors_murdersMorgan Lander’s now defunct Horror Podcast: Witchfingerhttp://www.witchfinger.com/Sub Urban’s UH OH! (ft. BENEE) horror music videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZTIdnooV-sAphex Twin’s Come to Daddy horror music videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ827lkktYs
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us your opinion of Rob Zombie’s filmography, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Ti West’s X (2022)(8) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(9) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(10) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Ti West absolutely plows it with this Chain Saw-esque Debbie Decimates Dallas spectacle. It’s sexy, it’s disturbing, it’s confusing, it’s thought-provoking, it’s gory, it’s schlocky, it’s… it’s just great, y’all! Every death scene is a micro-masterpiece in its own right. At first you think this is all style, no substance, and then it turns on you. Watch the movie, then listen to us giggle and sigh while never once mentioning Mia Goth’s boobs. Tropes are subverted, big things are foreshadowed, and horror movies are loved in the newest episode of Loathsome Things: A Podcast About Horror Movies We Want You to Like As Much As We do!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us about your favorite Britney Spears Music video, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Ti West’s X (2022)(8) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(9) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(10) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Chloe Grace Moretz & Co did a great job of re-making Carrie in the least-interesting way possible: a technically proficient and almost flavorless retelling that lands squarely in the middle of the original and the made-for-TV movie on every front. It’s almost enough to make one sit back and ask “what do horror movie fans actually want in a reboot?” For these and other reasons, John and Josh do a speedy summary so they could get to the part they were most excited about: talking about all the other great horror movies and TV shows they’ve been watching in October!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us we are casualties of society, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(8) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(9) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
35 years after the original, we finally get our first Hellraiser reboot! And it’s… well, you’ll have to listen to find out what we think about it. Set in beautiful Belgrade, Massachusetts, this visually striking reimagining of the Clive Barker original focuses on addiction, betrayal, and strips of delicious human bacon. The Pascal Laugier movie we tried to remember was Incident in a Ghostland (2018), the movie that caused permanent scarring to a young actor’s face because of some combination of greed and incompetence, so fuck that movie! The other things we couldn't remember the names of? Who knows! If you think “Enough is a myth” when it comes to Loathsome Things episodes, then this one’s for you!
If you would like to recommend a movie, pitch us your Brucknerian Hellraiser sequel idea, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(8) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(9) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
John and Josh watched all 10 Hellraiser movies in anticipation of David Bruckner's upcoming reboot of the franchise, and who have some things to say! Join us as we dive into one of the less-talked-about major horror movie franchises and check out the new movie, which drops Friday!Ranking the Franchise
Clive Barker's Hellraiser (1987)
Clive Barker's Hellraiser (1987)
Tony Randel's Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Tony Randel's Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Anthony Hickox's Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Kevin Yagher's Hellraiser IV: Bloodline (1996)
Kevin Yagher's Hellraiser IV: Bloodline (1996)
Gary J. Tunnicliffe's Hellraiser: Judgment (2018)
Rick Bota's Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)
Scott Derrickson's Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
Gary J. Tunnicliffe's Hellraiser: Judgment (2018)
Anthony Hickox's Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Rick Bota's Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
Rick Bota's Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
Rick Bota's Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002)
Rick Bota's Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002)
Scott Derrickson's Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
Victor Garcia's Hellraiser: Revelations (2011)
Victor Garcia's Hellraiser: Revelations (2011)
Rick Bota's Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
“Angela Bettis! Angela Bettis! Angela Bettis!” said David Carson into the camera, and poof! She was there to provide one of the few redeeming qualities in this made-for-TV wad. Directed by the guy that directed Captain Kirk’s death and co-starring Dualla from Battlestar Galactica, this movie features Windows 98 screensaver-grade CGI a flat, lifeless retelling of the story from the same era at the mini-series version of The Shining. Join us for part 2 out our 3-part series of Carrie: Who Wore It Best on this most October 2022est episode of Loathsome Things: A Podcast in which two jerks talk about the horror movies they watched and assumed you would like to listen to that!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us howe we can get Angela Bettis to be on our show, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(8) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(9) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
WOW! Sissy Spacek absolutely slayed in this nutty jamboree of a high school prom horror that Piper Laurie, Nancy Allen and John Travolta all thought was a fun, over-the-top comedy when they were filming it. Is it still OK for say “slay, queen” now that someone else’s queen is dead? I’m gonna slay “Yes!” Also in this movie is William Katt’s amazing hair, now contextually placed as the forebear of Kevin Van Hentenryck’s Basket Case hair. In my untethered-to-reality mind, William Katt’s Tommy secretly survived, changed his name to Roger, and became a famous horror novelist with completely delusional memories of having been in “the shit” in Vietnam. V-necks. There, I said it. What am I saying? Who can say! You can’t write all good when you’re running on Monster and Nyquil (yes, with a Jolly Rancher), so shut up and listen to our first of three episodes reviewing motion picture adaptations of Stephen King’s first novel, Carrie. It’s Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, point out a cool detail we missed, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)(2) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(3) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(4) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(5) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(6) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(7) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(8) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(9) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Boobs, silly gag humor, and the most ridiculous forms of cannibalism are just the tip of this zany masterpiece of 80s Horror-Comedy! Jackie Kong achieved greatness in this packed era of the sub-genre, making what is quite possibly the most ultimate 14-year-old boy movie possible. As a pair of wizened 14-year-old boys, ourselves, we thank her for her contribution. From topless aerobics and fully nude martial arts to Hitler-wrestling, epic projectile vomiting, squirty stump-driving, and, of course, seeing how hamburger condiments would accurately splatter against a farty ass in full moon, this semi-sequel to Herschell Gordon Lewis’ Blood Feast is a true hidden gem that we’re delighted to make our newest episode of Loathsome Things: the Best Horror Movie Podcast!
And buy a copy of Jackie Kong’s new comic book: Spend the Nighthttps://www.jackiekongdirector.com/about-6Use promo code LOATHSOMETHINGS at checkout to support cool artists doing cool things by paying full price!
If you would like to recommend a movie, regale us with stories of the time you saw Dino Lee live in concert, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror-Comedy Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast, and rated as a Horror Movie, not specifically Horror-Comedies)
(1) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(2) Jackie Kong’s Blood Diner (1987) (3) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case 2 (1990) (4) Jack Hill’s Spider Baby (1967) (5) Mercer and Testin’s Dementia: Part II (2018) (6) Steve Miner’s House (1985) (7) Gabriel Bartalos’ Skinned Deep (2004) (8) (9) (10)

Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Thomas Jane, Damian Lewis, Timothy Olyphant, Jason Lee, Tom Sizemore and Morgan Freeman star in this sci-fi-fantasy-horror movie about evil alien penis monsters that shoot out of your butt and the man-children gifted with the exact combination of bench-warmer X Men powers needed to stop them… or something. You know, it gets a little confusing in there. It’s a Stephen King something, and we both remembered it more fondly than we watched it! So, join us for this experimentally 1-hour episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast where we didn’t talk about Rob Zombie.
If you would like to recommend a movie, argue with us about Stephen King, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(2) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(3) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(4) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(5) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(6) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(7) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(8) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(9) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Oh, last summer, how memorable you were! With your floppy hats, plunging necklines, and fertile youths frolicking about on sandy beaches, full of hope and possibilities. The mind that brought us Dawson’s Creek and Scream also brought us this movie, where Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Ghost Whisperer struggle through the teenage turmoils of love, friendship, and vehicular manslaughter. Can these busty teens come up with even the vaguest idea of how to solve a mystery? Will Ryan Phillippe look at Jennifer Love Hewitt’s boobs? Will it turn out that David Egan or Billy Blue actually matter? Find out the answers to this and Sarah Michelle Gellar’s breast-enhancing exercise techniques in the newest episode of this Freddy Prinze Jr. fancast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, help us figure out how to edit out the sounds of kitchen chores being done, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(2) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(3) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(4) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(5) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(6) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(7) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(8) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(9) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
We go on at length about this polarizing folk-slasher from the dude that wrote the screenplay for 28 Days Later. It’s very high concept and bookends Hagazussa nicely as an opposite of Saint Maud. Really, these three films have been a great leading-lady triple feature. If you wanted to listen to us spend way too much time comparing and contrasting the careers of Glenn Danzig and Rob Zombie instead of talking about this movie that has nothing to do with either of them, please listen to this newest episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, talk about Attack on Titan, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(2) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(3) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(4) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)(5) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(6) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(7) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(8) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(9) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(10) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
We really schatten the bed with this blutty film about how much it sucked to live with emotional trauma in the Black Plague-era Alps while being identified as any combination of a witch, heathen or Jew. Here, I’ll horn in a content warning: this episode unqualifiedly discusses rape, infanticide, cannibalism, and anti-semitism. Now that feuer of you are interested hearing what we’re going to chuckle about, please watch the movie and listen to this newest episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us what you would and would not like to see in an American adaptation of this film, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(2) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(3) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(4) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(5) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(6) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(7) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(8) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(9) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)(10) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Technical difficulties and illness plagued our recording of this absolute masterpiece from Rose Glass. An emotionally unwell woman with idiosyncratic religious convictions works as an in-home nurse for a sin-loving woman dying of cancer. Can they get over their differences and personal challenges to solve the murder mystery before it’s too late? No! Watch the movie before you listen to the most difficult episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, help Josh find those missing Rose Glass short movies, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)(2) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(3) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(4) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(5) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(6) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(7) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(8) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(9) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)(10) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
We’ve been alluding to this episode for a while, but now is the time! It’s the Fangoria Gore Zone slashic that no one talks about. Gabriel Bartalos, Warwick Davis, and Karoline Brandt hold nothing back in this romantic horror comedy about love, forgiveness, high-effort methods of watching porn with your friends, and… consumerism, maybe? We’re not really sure what to make of this movie, but it finally got Josh to watch The Texas Chain Saw Massacre for the first time, so we also get to talk about that on the latest episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, be Gabriel Bartalos on an upcoming episode of Loathsome Things, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)(9) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(10) David Bruckner's The Ritual (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
What’s this, a secret Edgar Allan Poe adaptation starring Vincent Price? NOPE! Just a little Bucklecore historical fiction film about a man, his best friend, and their shared dream of accusing people of witchcraft, torturing them into confessing their witchery and devil-worship, and making a fortune in the process. What could be rapier than that? (see episode for additional sword puns). Join us as we delve into one of the Unholy Trinity of English Folk Horror grandpappies in the most 30th episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast.
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us your opinion about whether or not this is a horror movie, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)(9) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(10) David Bruckner's The Ritual (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding

Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
It’s been a year since we delved into the original transgressive masterpiece, but now we’re back to learn about the mating habits of the endangered Duane and Belial in this higher-budgeted, more comedic and less rapey installment of the Basket Case franchise. I guess Belial was an Incel in part 1, but he’s better now that he has a girlfriend, and can focus on his true passions: sloppy nutting and murder! Grab a tube of your favorite horse paste and climb into the dog bed with the lump you love to listen to the newest episode of Loathsome Things: a Horror Movie Podcast.
If you would like to recommend a movie, send us a copy of the Basket Case Trilogy on Blu-ray, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)(9) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(10) David Bruckner's The Ritual (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding

Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Grab your most sexually-active teddy bear before you listen to us talk about this… uhhhhh… like, I guess, some kind of a horror movie targeted at children. Specifically, children that want to see a lot of nudity… and want to watch one of their own commit weird sex crimes… Yikes! It’s going to be one of those episodes, folks, so join us for the 1-year anniversary, and possibly final episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, leave us a review of http://sammysnyders.com/, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)(9) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(10) David Bruckner's The Ritual (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding monsters

Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
A movie about people saying “La Fin Absolue Du Monde” as many times as possible in 59 minutes while a baby-faced Norman Reedus has a Eurotrash adventure across beautiful Vancouver, Canada, at the behest of Udo Keir’s poorly-decorated ambitions! Meta-commentary about the film business abounds in this gory movie-about-a-movie-that’s-more-than-a-movie. And for our Star Trek fans, there a special appearance from none other than B'Etor/Chief Examiner Nimira’s own Gwynyth Walsh. Join us as we review this episode of Masters of Horror in the latest installment of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, today we’re bringing you one of our bank episodes recorded in 2021. If you notice some differences in format and style, or overhear some outdated references, that’s why!
If you would like to recommend a movie, suggest a sign-off phrase, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)(9) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(10) David Bruckner's The Ritual (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
We watched the absurdist masterpiece and reputed first horror film from Brazil, both directed by and starring the big, strong man himself, Coffin Joe. Beware, brave listener, for this film warns you it is not for the faint of heart, and then completely delivers on that promise. An early example of a director that grew up watching horror movies, then going on to make the horror movie he wanted to see. Join us for this breath of foamy air on the latest episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us who you’d like to try out for the role of coffin Joe in the American remake of this film, share your thoughts on who would be the worst horror movie director and what their movie would be like, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThingsEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (1964)(9) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(10) David Bruckner's The Ritual (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
We got giggly and dark while reviewing this MK Ultra meets Numbers Stations spooky mash-up starring Ted Levine. We mentioned the secret ending of this movie before the spoilers… and then forgot to talk about it at the end… because we’re good at this. Join us on a fun romp through scariest movie about being friend-zoned in this, the latest episode from America’s best horror movie podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, pose a horror movie trivia question, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThingsEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(9) David Bruckner’s The Ritual (2017)(10) Nick Szostakiwskyj’s Black Mountain Side (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Gareth Evans told us to try a new recording software, so the audio sounds a bit like we travelled to a low-tech island where the good Lord has been usurped by some kind of gauzy vineyard witchiness. Wait, maybe I’m getting some details confused. Dan Stevens, Kristine Froseth, Mark Lewis Jones, Lucy Boynton, Michael Sheen star in this long, complex horror film about the aforementioned actors having to band together to prevent Iko Uwais from getting to the top of the fertility goddess’ high-rise… wait… Ok, I think I got confused again, either that or I just came up with a great movie pitch guest-starring Tony Jaa! Either way, give yourself a listen to the newest episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast!
If you would like to recommend a movie, pose a horror movie trivia question, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThingsEmail: LoathsomeThings@gmail.com
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(9) David Bruckner’s The Ritual (2017)(10) Nick Szostakiwskyj’s Black Mountain Side (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
This harbinger of the folk-horror renaissance won several FX awards and is a source of hope for the bright future of non-practical creature effects in cinema. Spoiler alert: if you love movie monsters, you should watch this movie immediately. Is that a spoiler? Who cares! Listen to the best podcast about horror movies, and also listen to us as we discuss the newest addition to our Top 10 list!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us about your favorite movie monsters, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(9) David Bruckner’s The Ritual (2017)(10) Nick Szostakiwskyj’s Black Mountain Side (2014)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Just after adapting Salem’s Lot for television and just before directing the music video for Billy Idol’s Dancing with Myself, Tobe Hooper returned to the fringes of Southern Gothic-in-retrograde murdery wetness with this solid update on the Quasimodo/Frankenstein’s Monster story by way of David Lynch’s The Elephant Man. Clean the cotton candy off your fingers and join us for a drippy dive into the schlocky wonder of Dennis Hopper’s… I mean, Tobe Hooper’s The Funhouse (1981), possibly most-popular among folks image-searching “Elizabeth Berridge nude.”
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us what horror movie setting you think hasn’t been explored to its fullest potential, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(9) Nick Szostakiwskyj’s Black Mountain Side (2014)(10) Howard Hawks/Christian Nyby’s The Thing from Another World (1951)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
John and Josh wax poetic about George A Romero, zombie movies, and how these topics played a role in each of us becoming fans of Horror movies as a genre. In honor of the brilliance that is Night of the Living Dead, we’ve recorded this episode with minimal scripting and editing. If you haven’t seen it yet, watch it. It’s a great movie!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us which director you’d like to see make a zombie movie, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Zombie Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)(3) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(4) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(5) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(6) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(7) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(8) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(9) Nick Szostakiwskyj’s Black Mountain Side (2014)(10) Howard Hawks/Christian Nyby’s The Thing from Another World (1951)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Wow! This classic manages to swaddle some truly transgressive, squirm-inducing discomfort in the gauzy warmth of William Asher’s 1950s-60s television eyeball. I don’t know what’s happening to my body, but I don’t like it. For a good time, watch this movie starring Jimmy McNichol, Bo Svenson, Julia Duffy, Steve Eastin, and an unfathomably epic performance from Susan Tyrell. Also, an early-career appearance by "William" Bill Paxton, because Billy needed to be menaced by more enemies!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us what we’re getting wrong about gender studies, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by Cheryl’s Pickles ‘n’ Milks: “Looks like you got a little on your neck!” Use promo code LOATHSOMETHINGS for a free photo of our feet with every purchase!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)(2) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)(3) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)(4) David Prior’s The Empty Man (2020)(5) Frank Henenlotter’s Basket Case (1982)(6) Nicolas Roeg’s Don't Look Now (1973)(7) Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth (2021)(8) Nick Szostakiwskyj’s Black Mountain Side (2014)(9) Howard Hawks/Christian Nyby’s The Thing from Another World (1951)(10) Elle Callahan’s Head Count (2018)
Honorable Mentions: Jeff Kwitney's Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Blumhouse Productions and Sophia Takal bring the feminism back to Black Christmas and… well, they really do it up. Imogen Poots and Cary Elwes go toe-to-toe in this college campus slasher/revenge/Buffy-style flick that's more of a set-piece upcycle than an actual reimagining of the original. If you’re trying to mask how fragile your masculinity is, you might want to skip this one, bro!
If you would like to recommend a movie, nerd out with us about Zoë Robins’ Nynaeve portrayal, defend your honor by challenging us to a fight, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by Hawthorne University. At Hawthorne University, we only employ deeply unpleasant and unrealistic professors similar to the one Kevin Sorbo played in God’s Not Dead. If you want to make a fake point about a college-aged person struggling with whatever shitty point of view you have, consider getting your degree from Hawthorne University! Consider a minor in “Loathsome Things” to really spice up your diploma!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Black Christmas (1974)(2) Audition (1999)(3) Deathdream (1974)(4) The Empty Man (2020)(5) Basket Case (1982)(6) Don't Look Now (1973)(7) In The Earth (2021)(8) Black Mountain Side (2014)(9) The Thing from Another World (1951)(10) Head Count (2018)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Eyeballs will be popped, squished, and chomped as Glen Morgan explores Billy and Agnes’ dysfunctional upbringing while Michelle Trachtenberg, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Lacey Chabert, Katie Cassidy, Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe, Kristen Cloke, and Andrea Martin sister around a sorority house. Is it worth watching before you listen? We concur with a solid “maybe!”
If you would like to recommend a movie, explain sisterhood to us, lodge a complaint, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by the Weinstein brothers, upon whose icky heads the worst elements of this film are surely to blame. Use code BELIEVEWOMEN for a Loathsome Things exclusive discount on future ad placements!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Black Christmas (1974)(2) Audition (1999)(3) Deathdream (1974)(4) The Empty Man (2020)(5) Basket Case (1982)(6) Don't Look Now (1973)(7) In The Earth (2021)(8) Black Mountain Side (2014)(9) The Thing from Another World (1951)(10) Head Count (2018)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Wow! Olivia Hussey, Keir Dullea, Margot Kidder and Andrea Martin star in this absolute Horror masterpiece from the same director and year as Deathdream: Bob Clark. I don’t understand how Black Christmas and A Christmas Story came from the same director. Put on your Gender Studies goggles and join us for a dive into the greatest Christmas movie of all time!Content Warning: "The C-word" shows up in the movie, and is quoted in the episode, as is an out-of-nowhere unpleasant remark about rape.
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us what your mother and I must know is, lodge a complaint, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by B for Booze: an encyclopedia upcycling and spirits delivery service changing the way Silicon Valley receives, hides and retrieves their alcohol, and also how they decorate their shelves. Always discreet, always discrete. Use code LOATHSOMETHINGS at checkout to receive one of their patented toilet tank dunkers for FREE!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Black Christmas (1974)(2) Audition (1999)(3) Deathdream (1974)(4) The Empty Man (2020)(5) Basket Case (1982)(6) Don't Look Now (1973)(7) In The Earth (2021)(8) Black Mountain Side (2014)(9) The Thing from Another World (1951)(10) Head Count (2018)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Lauren Ashley Carter, Sean Bridgers, Larry Fessenden, and Sean Young star in this kind-of-great low-budget folk horror flick about a backwoods Tennessee moonshine community that worships a hole in the ground what heals ya when you get sick but also requires the occasional human sacrifice. It doesn’t break into our Top-10, but it does break into our hearts, so go watch the movie and then listen to us talk about it, because that’s why we’re all here!
If you would like to recommend a movie, show us your pottery, lodge a complaint, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by Smallmom’s ‘n’ Townpop’s Pharmacy & Locally-sourced Moonshine Dispensery. With 1 location in the greater yonder community to serve your drinkin’ and lady-bathroom needs since 1902. Tell ‘em “Loathsome Things” sent ya for a free “Who?” at checkout!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
(1) Audition (1999) (2) Deathdream (1974) (3) The Empty Man (2020) (4) Basket Case (1982) (5) Don't Look Now (1973) (6) In The Earth (2021) (7) Black Mountain Side (2014)(8) The Thing from Another World (1951)(9) Head Count (2018)(10) Spider Baby (1967)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
A Japanese romantic horror movie that gave Josh an excuse to say “onomatopoeia?” Awesome! This icky, chunky film had John and Josh split: is it feminist? Is it misogynist? Is it nihilist? Who can say? Well, two white guys with zero expertise on the matter, that’s who! Join us for a foot-flinging good time in this gory import.Warning: The movie, and thus this episode, covers sensitive topics and intense violence.
If you would like to recommend a movie, share your college essay, draw attention to our inadequacies, ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by Kiri Kiri Needle Co. Kiri Kiri: You’ll gasp when we get to the point! Use promo code: LOATHSOMETHINGS a checkout for 1.5 feet off your next order!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
1. Audition (1999)2. Deathdream (1974)3. The Empty Man (2020)4. Basket Case (1982)5. Don't Look Now (1973)6. In The Earth (2021) 7. Black Mountain Side (2014) 8. The Thing from Another World (1951) 9. Head Count (2018) 10. Spider Baby (1967)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Buckle up for the wild ride that was called Train Amok everywhere but in the US! John and Josh tour the beautiful Yugoslavian countryside from… a train that we didn’t realize was going to be the… antagonist of this film? It’s confusing, like finding a box labeled “Explosives” to be filled with shotgun shells. But, it’s also kind of great. Watch it first: you won’t be sorry!
If you would like to recommend a movie, demand that Josh apologize for his tasteless jokes, Explain Yugoslavian history to us, sell us a neat cane, ask us horror movie-related questions, or ARE JEFF KWITNEY AND WANT TO BE INTERVIEWED BY US, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by Ensign Tess Allenby. Ensign Tess Allenby: hating Ensign Wesley Crusher, as everyone should!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
Deathdream (1974)
The Empty Man (2020)
Basket Case (1982)
Don't Look Now (1973)
In The Earth (2021)
Black Mountain Side (2014)
The Thing from Another World (1951)
Head Count (2018)
Spider Baby (1967)
Honeydew (2020)
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Ben Wheatley continues his adventures in British Pagan Horror with this socially-distanced gem. A great soundtrack and peculiar intrigue set the shard-strewn groundwork for some splendid creep-outs, rapturous highs, and a microdose of some impressive practical effects. Get out your glow sticks, apply your pasties, and paint your junk for a rad party in the woods because we’re watching In The Earth!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us all about Oliver Wendell Holmes, tell us about how the crystals you wear make you more in-tune with the mycorrhiza, send us a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum, purge the heretics, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by DJ Dr Wendle. Check out her newest album: Trees Rock. She lays down the sweet jams scientifically designed to speak to your gigantic, Great Britain-sized brain. Give her a listen the next time you’re blissing out in nature, man!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
1. Deathdream (1974) 2. The Empty Man (2020) 3. Basket Case (1982) 4. Don't Look Now (1973) 5. In The Earth (2021) 6. Black Mountain Side (2014) 7. The Thing from Another World (1951) 8. Head Count (2018) 9. Spider Baby (1967) 10. Honeydew (2020)

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
AKA The Maddest Story Ever Told. AAKA Cannibal Orgy. AAAKA I Know Where Lon Chaney Jr. Sweated in the Summer of 1964. This ancestor of the American Domesticated Cannibal tradition offers a thrilling look at the later Lon Chaney Jr, early work of Sig Haig, and some deeply troubling portrayals of African Americans and rape victims. Yikes! It’s Jack Hill’s perpetually disturbing horror-canonical Spider Baby!
If you would like to recommend a movie, help us identify cars, tell us a lie about this movie, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomeThings
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is sponsored by Merrye Farms Shadow Gold Mushrooms. Merrye: Eat Them Before They Eat You!(Use code #LOATHSOMETHINGS at check-out to receive a free cat with any $50+ order of Merrye Farms mushrooms. This coupon expires: The 14th of… why, today’s the 14th…)
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
1. Deathdream (1974)2. The Empty Man (2020)3. Basket Case (1982)4. Don't Look Now (1973)5. Black Mountain Side (2014)6. The Thing from Another World (1951)7. Head Count (2018)8. Spider Baby (1967)9. Honeydew (2020)10. Dementia Part II (2018)

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
What if Dean Koontz was a Vietnam vet with trouble remembering the name of the AK-47, a very bland collection of plunging V-neck sweaters, a weird thing for little boys, and a flippin’ sweet real estate inheritance? He would probably be the main character of Steve Miner’s 1985 comedy(?) horror film: House! This movie certainly does, and you can take that to the bank! What am I talking about? Who can say?! Join us as we realize so many things about a movie with what is almost certainly one of the top-10 intentionally wall-mounted horror movie props of the mid 1980s!
If you would like to recommend a movie, disapprove of our respective moral compasses (compassi?), tell John to stop sounding so damn sexy all the time, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcast
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is sponsored by Craven Realty. Craven Realty and Insurance: survive the tour, live the nightmare! Use code LOATHSOMETHINGS for 666% savings when you bundle your Scooter Liability, Afterlife, and Homeowner’s Insurance!
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)
Deathdream (1974)
The Empty Man (2020)
Basket Case (1982)
Don't Look Now (1973)
Black Mountain Side (2014)
The Thing from Another World (1951)
Head Count (2018)
Honeydew (2020)
Dementia Part II (2018)
House (1985)
(Bye, Gus!)

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Welcome to the show notes for the tenth episode of the Loathsome Things Podcast!
A soldier’s mother prays for him to return, first from Vietnam, then from death’s cold embrace… and then he does. Yay, what a heart-warming story! Oh wait, no, this movies spirals into a fantastic exploration of the Laocoön-edged destruction visited upon real male bodies as part of the impossible expectations of war-time masculinity. It’s Bob Clark’s forgottish masterpesque, Deathdream (or “Dead of Night”), released the same year as his magnum opus, Black Christmas.
If you would like to recommend a movie, share neat trivia, tell Josh where he’s heard the “Right Bob” soundbite, or tell us about the things we over-appreciated or under-appreciated about this movie, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcast
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is sponsored by Rosalie and Ed’s Trucker Diner. What do you know? You can get cigarettes, coffee, jelly beans, friendly small-town service, and affordable 1970s prices. Use promo code LOATHSOMETHINGS at checkout for a free gift of comically suspicious questions from the town drunk. What a great deal!
And now, introducing:
The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List (of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)1. Deathdream (1974)2. The Empty Man (2020) 3. Basket Case (1982) 4. Don't Look Now (1973) 5. Black Mountain Side (2014)6. The Thing from Another World (1951) 7. Head Count (2018)8. Honeydew (2020) 9. Dementia Part II (2018) 10. Intersect (2020)
That’s right, we’ve produced what is almost certainly the only Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List that includes Gus Holwerda’s Intersect! Good luck sticking around on the list past episode 10, Gus!

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Welcome to the show notes for the ninth episode of the Loathsome Things Podcast!
A desperate ex-con shows up at a sweet old lady’s house disguised as a plumber. What happens next may shock you… Nah! This little gem went from conception to screening in five weeks, all with no budget. It’s an extraordinary little achievement in movie-making. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a masterpiece. But then again, neither is this episode! Grab your most Canadian possessions and join us as we watch Matt Mercer and Mike Testin’s Dementia: Part II!
If you would like to recommend a movie, complain about Josh’s upstairs neighbor ruining things, sing Red Sails in the Sunset directly into our faces, or tell us about the things we failed to get about this movie, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcast
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by Reggie’s Acting School and Bail Bonds. With RASBB, you can learn how to turn every conversation to your advantage somehow, or just get treated like the worthless piece of human meat that you are. Use promo code YOUWINSOMEYOULOATHSOME for a free fanny pack at check-out.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Welcome to the show notes for the eighth episode of the Loathsome Things Podcast!
An aspiring actor and a budding scientist are on a romantic road-trip through American farmlandia. But, wouldn’t you know it, through a combination of car trouble and a get-off-my-landish nookie reception, our heroes find themselves in need of the use of a sweet old lady’s phone. The good news is, she’s very hospitable and kind. The bad news is, this devolves into delightful chunks of horror movie madness. It’s Honeydew, a movie named that for some reason!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us why meat is murder, talk about your favorite song “Purpiceps, Molly Purpiceps,” or just share in the relieved glee of watching a good movie and getting Intersect firmly into the rearview mirror, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcast
Please rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by Alotta Ding And Also Alotta Dong custom and extended doorbell chimes services. If you need a doorbell that takes a long time to finish sounding, well buddy, you’re in the right place. Use promo code #LoathesomeThings to get an extra verse or round of chorus added to your doorbell chime purchase for free.

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Welcome to the show notes for the seventh episode of the Loathsome Things Podcast!
Three grad students at Miskatonic University’s Temporal Studies department have uncovered the secret of time travel! Sounds like an awesome premise for a movie, right? Oh, dear Cthulhu, why? If you thought the deer deity in Black Mountain Side was unimpressive to look at, just wait until you catch a glimpse of Nate. Cozy up with the one you love and plunge your sensory organs deep into the unpleasant depths of Gus Holwerda’s disasterpiece: Intersect!
If you would like to recommend a movie, debate the merits of faith vs science, talk about the glam-punk scene in Phoenix, or crabcore while making eye contact with us, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcastPlease rate and review if you think other people would enjoy our show, or if you feel they should be warned!
This episode is brought to you by Miskatonic University’s generous “pay nothing now, pay everything later” financial aid system. Miskatonic University: resurrecting tomorrow’s future, for today’s past! Use promo code #LOATHSOMETHINGSPODCAST to bypass the computer voice!

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Welcome to the show notes for the sixth episode of the Loathsome Things Podcast!
In the northern Taiga Cordillera, some dudes found something strange between bouts of playing cards and drinking, so they did the only natural thing to do: get some other dude to come here. Enter Black Mountain Side, a movie that, at its heart, is about male friendship, fellowship, and camaraderie. Also getting in on the feel-good action is a Lovecraftian deity that manifests as a deer standing up on its hind (get it!) legs. What a wacky crew! Go enjoy yourself a watch of this lovely low-budget flick, then listen in as we discuss all the zany antics in this episode of Loathsome Things!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us more things about Onchocerca volvulus, congratulate us for spelling “camaraderie” correctly on the first try, or tell us where we can go to find classy antique furniture under the ice, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcast
This episode is brought to you by Hotty’s Medical-grade Fireplace Equipment Manufacturing Ltd. What’s that smell? I don’t know, but it’s almost certainly not the smell of an infected wound! Use promo code #tinyoctopuses to get a free fireplace shovel with the purchase of any deluxe, sub-freezing-ready fireplace sets.

Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Welcome to the show notes for the fifth episode of the Loathsome Things Podcast!
In this episode we discourse the original Thing that would later be adapted by John Carpenter to create one of the greatest, if not the greatest, horror movies of all time. The Thing from Another World is a black-and-white classic about soldiers fighting the twin evils of an invasive alien plant-monster and the scientists that wish to study them. If that doesn’t sound like your thing, you might enjoy all the self-congratulatory white people business or the amazing scene were EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE! Watch this movie before you listen to the podcast.
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us about how much better things were for white people in 1951, share neat trivia, or tell us where we can go melt our ice cubes, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcast
This episode is brought to you by the US Military. Keeping the world safe from those evil scientists whose fault it was, not ours, since August 6, 1945. Use promo code “I am a Loathsome Thing, sir!” for an extra $30,000 enlistment bonus, which you will never receive.

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Welcome to the show notes for the Fourth episode of the Loathsome Things Podcast!
We watched the under-the-radar sensation that some people are calling “The Empty Man.” Going by the trailer, this movie is a dumb pile of ass. But, after actually watching the movie, this movie kind of kicks asses into a pile. It starts off in the mountains of Bhutan and ends up in … sleepy, small-town Missouri. Along the way, there’s plenty of wet-teeth noises, solidly unsettling business, something about a teddy bear, adults lurking outside of high schools to lure young girls (or women) into their cars with the promise of cigarettes, references to at least two philosophers, a surprise Stephen Rooting, and a fantastic sense of looming doom! Watch it before you listen!
If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us your fan theory, remind us of that detail we forgot to mention, convince us we’re only as old as our podcast, or make fun of the way one of us sounds, you can do so by reaching out to us onTwitter: @LoathsomePodInstagram: @LoathsomePodFacebook: @LoathsomePodcast
This episode is brought to you by Webster Mills Feed & Tack. Begrudgingly serving Webster Mills’ feed and tack needs since my great grand-daddy started the place, oh, near on a hundred years ago now. Use code “The Loathsome Things Podcast” sent ya for a free chick with the purchase of any 50 lb. sack of chicken feed.

“Loathsome” Definition
“Loathsome” is an adjective used to describe something as disgusting, gruesome, hideous, nightmarish, offensive, nauseous, objectionable, atrocious, obscene, monstrous, repellant, terrible, scandalous, macabre, lowly, distasteful, foul, unwholesome, uncivilized, ungodly, noxious, appalling, bilious, unspeakable, gross, frightful, nasty, detestable, contemptible, revolting, heinous, sickening, hideous, repulsive, vile, ghastly, abhorrent, repugnant, despicable, reprehensible, abominable, odious, hateful, horrible, horrid, or horrific.